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How Can an Employee Delete a Time Off Submission?
How Can an Employee Delete a Time Off Submission?
Natalie avatar
Written by Natalie
Updated over a week ago

Occasionally, an employee may need to delete a request for time off, whether it is because that time off is no longer needed, or because they want to request different days instead. At any point when the request is still pending approval, an employee can cancel their time off request.

Let's take a look at how!

To cancel a time off request on the user's view from the desktop, navigate to the Time Off feature from the navigation bar. Once there, find the pending request you want to delete in the "Requests history" list. Hover over it with your cursor and three dots will appear to the far right. Click the three dots, then click "Cancel request" in the box that appears directly underneath.

To cancel a time off request from the user's side of Time Off in the mobile app, press the "Assets" tab and then select "Time Off". Press the request you want to cancel, then press "Cancel request" at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up will appear confirming you are sure you want to cancel. Press the red "Cancel request" button there and your request has been canceled!

​Please note that time off requests can only be canceled if their status is "Pending". "Approved" and "Added by admin" requests must be rejected by an admin of the Time Off feature.

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