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Time Clock

Show your employees how to use the Time Clock and share answers to the most frequently asked questions

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated yesterday

Now that you've learned the basics about time tracking, let's go over a few frequently asked questions to further assist you! 

ℹ️ Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the Time Clock on my computer?

Please note: while the video tutorial above explains how to use the feature from the mobile app, the Time Clock can also be used from the desktop. So let's cover everything that can be done from the computer.

Once you have accessed the time clock from the desktop, you will notice the following layout:

  • Today's clock: in this section, you can clock in and out, start and end breaks (depending on your manager's setup), and see your total worked hours for the current day.

  • Requests: in this section, you will be able to view, submit, and manage all your shift, break, and time off requests.

  • Timesheet: in this section, you can view a summary of all your worked hours (regular and overtime), shifts, jobs, breaks, and approved time off. You can also export your timesheets and more. We will elaborate further on this later in the article.

Clocking In and Out

  1. Access the Time Clock feature from the left sidebar

  2. Select the relevant time clock (if you've been assigned to more than one)

  3. Hover over to the section Today's clock

  4. Click on Clock in and select the relevant job you wish to clock into

  5. All done! You are now clocked in. Time will start counting and will be displayed at the top.

  6. Once you have finished and are ready to stop working, review the Shift Attachments section. Here, you can manually add any additional information about your work hours for the day, such as notes. This information will be available for your manager to review afterward. Additionally, you can fill out any other shift attachments your manager created, such as mileage logs, signatures, or file attachments, for example.

  7. Click on End Shift

    1. If you need to make adjustments, press on Edit shift, then make your changes, and then press on Send for approval or Confirm hours (depending on what your manager set)

    2. If no adjustments are needed, press on Confirm hours.

What is the difference between using the Time Clock from the mobile app vs the desktop?

For the most part, the navigation and available actions do not differ between the mobile app and the desktop. However, there are two exemptions worth mentioning:

  • Unlike the mobile app, it is not possible to switch between jobs from the desktop while clocked in. If you want to switch between jobs, you will need to clock out and then clock back into a different job.

  • The same behavior applies to going into breaks from the desktop. To go into a break you will need to clock out, and then click on "Start break". Once you've completed your rest time, you can click on "End break" and then clock back into the job.

I can't clock in, what's wrong?

There are several reasons why you might not be able to clock in and it's important to first understand and check certain things so you can get to the root of the issue and solve it faster.

Here are some of the errors/situations you might encounter that are preventing you from clocking in:

  • I can't see the time clock - if you cannot see your Time Clock feature anywhere in your mobile app, then your admin has not assigned you to it. To clear any doubts, if you used to view it in the past but now you don't, try to delete and re-install the app and check again. If you still don't see the time clock, reach out to your admin for help.

  • I don't see the job I need or it says "no jobs found" - if you get a message saying "no jobs found" or, if you were told to clock in to a certain job, like "Driver" for instance, but when going to clock in, it does not appear in the list of available jobs for you, there are two possible explanations. Either you have not been set as qualified for the job or, you need to be at a certain location for it to appear. Please contact your admin for further assistance.

    Screenshot of no jobs found in the Time Clock feature on Connecteam's mobile app
  • It keeps asking for my location - if your location is required in order to clock in, then it means your admin set it up this way. You will need to access your mobile device's settings and activate the location services.

    GIF of turning location on to clock into a job in the Time Clock on Connecteam's mobile app

  • I can see my shift, but the clock-in button is greyed out - this is likely due to limitations that ensure you only clock in at the exact time of your scheduled shift. If this is the case, you will be able to see how many minutes there are left until the clock-in becomes available.

  • My time clock is greyed out - if your clock states "Nothing scheduled today" and your clock is greyed out, it means no shift has been assigned to you. And, unless your admin allows you to clock in freely, without any scheduled shifts, you will not be able to clock in.

  • "Can't clock in. This day was locked by your admins" - when this message appears, it's an indication that an admin has approved your timesheets for the current payroll period. When this happens, no more changes can be done to your timesheets, which is what is preventing you from clocking in. This can be reversed by reaching out to your admin and asking them to reopen your timesheets.

I forgot to clock in, what should I do?

No worries! There are two ways you can solve this quickly: either send a shift request or edit the shift hours if you clocked in late. Please note that these options are only available if your admin allows them. If they are not, please contact them directly to ask for assistance.

Option 1: Shift Request

  1. Access your Time Clock

  2. Go to My Requests

  3. Press on + Add a new request, then Add a shift request

  4. Write the details of the shift (job, date and time, complete shift attachments if needed, and write a note if you wish to provide an explanation or content for your manager)

  5. Finally, press Send for approval

Option 2: Editing a Shift

  1. Access your Time Clock

  2. Clock in to either your shift or without a shift (if allowed by admin)

  3. Choose End shift after a couple of seconds of being clocked in

  4. Select Edit shift and make your adjustments

  5. Add a note explaining the context to your manager if you wish

  6. Then press Send for approval

How do I submit my timesheets?

While the video tutorials above explain how to submit your timesheets from the mobile app, please keep in mind that you can also submit them from the desktop by following the next steps.

  1. Access your Time Clock

  2. Automatically, your Timesheets will open on the current payroll period.

  3. At the top right, you should see a Submit Timesheets button - click on it! It's as simple as that.

Note that if you have already submitted your timesheets, a light blue icon with the word submitted will appear.

Can I make changes after submitting my timesheets?

Absolutely! As long as your days were not locked and an admin did not approve your timesheets, you can still make changes.

When making changes, you will receive a message saying "These changes will undo your timesheet submission". You can select make changes or save anyway. It is important to note that doing so will unsubmit your timesheets. Once you have finished making changes, you will need to resubmit them. Below, you can see how this looks from both the mobile app and the dashboard.

  • Mobile App

  • Dashboard

How can I see previous/old timesheets?

To see previous timesheets, access your Time Clock and then the Timesheets. You will automatically see the timesheets for the current pay period you are in but you can change the dates by clicking on the date range at the top left and either picking a previous pay period or selecting a custom date.

Do I have to let Connecteam track my location in order to clock in on my phone?

Connecteam offers multiple solutions for location tracking. Your account's admin or managers decide how to utilize those capabilities. If you do not want your location tracked, we recommend talking to your managers about alternative ways to track time using Connecteam.

How do I print my paystub/pay slip/timesheets?

To print your timesheets, simply access your time clock, and then your timesheets. Press on the three dots in the top right corner and select Export as PDF.

Once it downloads, you can choose to open it now to view it and then click on the icon at the bottom left to share it with third parties, save it in your files, send it via email, or print it.

How to Use Breaks as a User

The Time Clock feature allows you to keep track of your working hours and breaks all in the same place. As a user, in a few clicks, you can easily take your break and have the exact times documented and calculated correctly with no mistakes!

Access your Time Clock, or click on the ongoing shift presented at the top of your feed. Click on the purple button, "Start Break", in the right bottom of your screen. Then, select the break type you are about to take. That's it! You are now on your break. Once you are done, click on "End break" at the bottom of your screen and choose whether you are returning from your break to the job you were clocked into, or if you need to switch jobs and clock into a different job, or finally if you need to end your shift.

In the example below, Sarah is clocked in and taking a Rest break. She will return to the same job when she finishes her break.

Please Note: If you set automatic notifications to remind your employees to start a break or to end it in the Time Clock settings, this is what the notification will look like on your employees' devices:

How Can I View my Pay/Salary

To view your estimated salary for the month, access your profile at the bottom of the screen. Here, you will be able to view your estimated pay for the current payroll period. By clicking on it, you will be able to view your salary history for previous payroll periods.

Have Questions or Ideas? We’re Listening! Your experience matters to us. If you couldn’t find what you were looking for or have a suggestion to improve this guide, we’d love to hear from you! We’ll review your input and might add it to our FAQs. Thanks for helping us make Connecteam even better!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact your account admin or manager directly.

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