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How to View Form Entries and Summaries

Learn how to, manage, and gain insights on your employees form entries

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over 2 months ago

The Forms feature allows your employees to fill in reports, forms, checklists, requests, and more, all from their mobile app. Gone are the days of filling out paperwork using pen and paper and storing them in the file cabinet. With Connecteam, everything is digitalized and accessible on the go.

After publishing a form though, you may need to view your employees' entries. You might also want to know how many employees have or have not filled out the form, or even gain further insights on their answers. By viewing entries and question summaries in connecteam, you can do that and more.

In this article we will go over the following:

Forms Overview: Tracking Your Employees' Progress

As a manager when forms are published to employees, it's important to be able to quickly view which employee have or has not submitted the form. In the forms overview page, you can scroll down, and easily see the status of each employee assigned to the form; whether they submitted or did not submit the form.

Screenshot of employees' progress in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

If you want to gain more specific insights, such as a list of only those who did not submit the form you can use the "Filter option." Simply filter for status and choose did not submit. From here, you can follow up with employees who didn't submit an entry by checking the box next to their name and using the "Notify" feature, which will allow you to send them a customized notification, reminding them to fill it out

GIF of filtering users in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

💡Tip: You can export the status columns by clicking on the "export" button at the top right next to the list of names displayed. This will give you a detailed report of your employee's progress.

Screenshot of exported report of user progress in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

How to View Form Entries

To view form entries, click on the view entries button. Here you will be presented with all the submitted entries. Take a look at how this looks below:

GIF of viewing form entries in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

To quickly download an entry, simply hover over the relevant form entry, click on the dropdown that will appear, and select download entry.

Screenshot of downloading entry in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

To get a more detailed view of a user's entry you can also click on the page icon, and the entry will open to the right. Note, that you can also download the entry here as well.

GIF of downloading form entry in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Please note admins will only be able to view entries of staff who are part of the smart groups that they manage.

How to View a Form Summary

Getting an overall summary of your employee's progress and viewing individual entries is great, but getting a detailed summary of each form field is even better. At Connecteam we know that gaining these insights can change the way your business operates and the decisions you make. Using the summary view, you can get a detailed breakdown of every field inside your form.

GIF of viewing form summary in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

First, at the top, you can set the date range. You can either set a custom range or use the range selector to choose a set range.

Screenshot of choosing date range in Forms Summary page on Connecteam's admin dashboard

In the insights tab, at the top, you can see the general insights such as the number of entries and percentage of forms that completed each field or left it empty.

Screenshot of insights tab in the Forms Summary on Connecteam's admin dashboard

If your form contains a field where your employees have to choose an answer, then at the bottom you can see a response distribution of each answer with the number and percentage of selections. This can help you learn which answer options are most popular, or if there are questions that need to be made clearer.

Screenshot of response distribution in Forms Summary page on Connecteam's admin dashboard

💡Tip: Note that if your form uses conditional fields there may be some fields that employees might not have seen due to the conditions set.

Inside the summary view by clicking on the responses tab, you can view the employees that completed a field and their responses. This allows admins to view only the relevant responses to a specific field in one centralized place.

Screenshot of responses tab in the Forms Summary page on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Filtering Inside the Summaries View

If you want to gain more specific insights in your summary view you can use the filter option in the top right-hand corner. This is useful if you want to gain insights for example into how employees from different roles, departments, and branches completed a form. You can even filter for those who responded with a specific answer to one of the forms answers, those who submitted on before a certain date, and much more.

Take a look at where to find the filter and some of the different options below. Note that some of the feature usage filters might be changed per a form based on the fields set.

Screenshot of filter option in the Forms Summary page on Connecteam's admin dashboard

How to Know if a Response Was Changed

When handling forms, there are cases where you or another admin needs to edit a form entry. When that happens it's easy to keep track of who edited a response.

A blue dot near a response means that this field was originally left blank by the employee and the field was filled out by an admin at a later date. When hovering over the blue dot you will be able to see exactly which admin added the response and when.

Screenshot of blue dot with response edit message on Connecteam's admin dashboard

An orange dot means that the employees' original response was modified by one of the admins and by hovering over the dot you can see by who and the exact date and hour that it occurred.

Screenshot of orange dot with response edit message on Connecteam's admin dashboard

💡Tip: If you are looking at the responses tab, in a summary view and want to view a specific user's entry you can easily do so by clicking on the page icon next to the response. The user form entry will open to the right.

GIF of viewing entry from responses tab in the Forms Summary page on Connecteam's admin dashboard

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