Conducting payroll can be one of organizations' most tedious and time-consuming processes. At Connecteam, we have made it our mission to simplify that process and make it as quick and easy as possible so that you can focus your efforts on what matters most. This article will walk you through the key steps to streamline your payroll with ADP Run.
This article will be broken down into the following sections:
Important Information
Before getting started with that setup up there is no go over certain aspects of the integration to make sure it's relevant to you.
Purchasing an ADP Run Connector
To connect the integration ADP requires a connector which must be purchased through the ADP Marketplace for a cost of $5 per month. We will go over the exact steps to purchasing the connector below.
Summary of What Can Be Transferred
Regular hours
Overtime hours
Double overtime hours
Paid time off (PTO)
Setting Up The Connecteam ADP Run Integration
Step 1: Set up the connection between Connecteam and ADP
Enter the Time Clock click on the Settings tab scroll down, and click on Integrations. Then navigate to ADP Run in the Direct Integrations tab and click on Connect.
Copy the Connecteam account identifier (you will need this later to connect your ADP account) and click on Purchase ADP Run connector, then you will be redirected to the ADP marketplace to purchase the ADP Run connector.
Complete the purchase (Note: the Connector fee will be charged directly by ADP). Consent to the legal prompts confirming you agree to the exchange of information between ADP and Connecteam, then you will be redirected back to Connecteam.
If the connection has been made successfully, click Continue to Setup to begin setting up the integration
Step 2: Match Connecteam users with ADP employees
First, you will see the result of our auto-matching. If all users are matched, press Continue to move forward. If a user was auto-matched incorrectly, you can change this manually. If you don't want a user to be included in the integration, you can select Don't Include.
Step 3: Match Connecteam pay rules with ADP earning codes
Here, you need to match your pay rules in Connecteam with the earning codes in ADP. Here you will have two options:
Use My Company Rules - this will display the pay rules you have set up in your account and allow you to match them with the pay items in Paychex.
Use System Default Rules - this provides you with three pay rates Regular, Overtime 1.5, Double Overtime, Vacation, and Sick Leave.
Below the working hours pay rules you’ll find all your Connecteam PTO pay rules that can also be matched to their earning codes in ADP.
Please note, that according to ADP's technical requirements, the rate code is expected to be set to "BASE" for all earning codes. As a result, it is set to "BASE" by default. If necessary, you can update it to a different rate code.
If there is a pay rule you do not want to include, you can select the option Don’t include.
Step 4: Match Connecteam jobs (and sub-jobs) with ADP jobs
Decide how to export working hours from Connecteam. There are three options:
Don't include jobs: Exports only the regular hours, time & half hours, and double time hours, disregarding any job-related information.
Export hours by job: Provides a breakdown of the regular hours, time & half hours, and double time hours for each job.
Export hours by job and sub-job: Provides a breakdown of the regular hours, time & half hours, and double time hours for each sub-job, as well as for jobs without sub-jobs.
If you choose to include jobs, set the matching ADP department for each job (or sub-job). If you don't want a job to be included in the integration, you can select Don't include. When you are finished, click on Complete Setup.
After closing the setup confirmation modal, make sure to click on Save Changes in the Integrations setting page to save all the changes.
Step 6: Export Timesheets to Paychex
Head to your time clock, to the Timesheets tab, click on Export, then click on Export to ADP Run. The export is based on the selected date range and selected employees in the timesheet. Employees can be filtered out if needed.
Once you have exported, you will see a success message. If the export was not completed successfully, you will see the errors and descriptions on how to fix them.
Your Next Steps in ADP
Great! Now that you have successfully exported to ADP, you need to verify that the hour units have correctly synced to your employee pay run on the ADP Run payroll page.
How to Update the Integration Setup After You Add New Items
As your company grows and changes, you will likely add new items, such as new users, jobs/sub-jobs, or PTO policies. Before these items can be exported to ADP, they need to be matched.
To do this enter the time clock, click on Export, find the Export to ADP Run option, and click on the settings icon. Match the new items and press Complete Setup.
How to Disconnect the ADP Integration
If you need to disconnect the integration head to the Time clock, click on Settings, enter the Integrations tab, and click on Disconnect.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I connect more than one-time clock to my ADP Run company?
Yes, but all-time clocks should be connected to the same ADP Run company.
Can I connect multiple ADP Run companies to one time clock?
No, a time clock can only be connected to one ADP Run company. This prevents you from accidentally running the same payroll in two places and potentially overpaying your employees.
In the match users setup stage, no workers from ADP Run are shown, therefore I cannot complete this stage. What can I do further?
Please make sure that the workers on ADP Run are marked as active, and their type is 'employee' only (the integration does not support other types such as 'contractor', 'independent contractor', etc.). Please also double check that the user exists in ADP and in Connecteam and check that their names in case they might be named differently in the softwares.
What happens if I export the same payroll period twice?
The hours you export from Connecteam will always overwrite your hours in ADP.
When I click on Export to ADP Run I receive an error telling me that I have unmatched items. What does it mean and what should I do?
This likely means that you have made changes to your Connecteam account since setting up the integration. You may have added new users, jobs/sub-jobs, or PTO policies. You will need to match these items before exporting the data.
To do this, simply click on the Resolve Now button, match the items, and click Continue.
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