The Updates feature lets you stay on top of important matters and view them directly on your feed as soon as you log in. An update could be anything: an announcement about good news, a farewell message to a colleague, or more important and urgent matters like a safety briefing, for example. Your company's updates are always available on the Feed of the mobile app and desktop. Let's explore this further!
Depending on how your admins set it up, you can engage with an update by reacting and adding comments, which are visible to all other employees who also received the announcement.
Feed Topics
Since updates can be created and published for many varied reasons, your admin may wish to separate them by topic to organize your feed better. In the example below, the updates are categorized by "CEO Updates," "Company Events," and "HR News".
Pop-Up Updates
Some updates may even pop up when you open your app and could have a confirmation button at the end to let your admin know you've read and understood the information displayed. This is especially used when important and urgent announcements are made that cannot be missed. You can either confirm you've read it or choose to be reminded later. See the example below.
*If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact your account admin or manager directly*