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Can My Users Read and Sign a Document?
Can My Users Read and Sign a Document?

Use the Courses feature to have users read and sign documents.

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Acknowledgment forms, which are commonly referred to as "read and sign" forms, are an essential part of any organization's human resources practices.

These forms serve as a record of an employee's acknowledgment and agreement to comply with company policies, procedures, and expectations.

By having employees sign these forms, employers can ensure that their staff understands important information regarding their roles and responsibilities, workplace conduct, and other critical policies.

Here at Connecteam, we've gathered it all for you in one place! You can create your Read and Sign forms from within the platform, assign them to your employees and track their progress in completing their acknowledgments all under one platform!

Completing bureaucratic paperwork has never been easier with Connecteam!

In this article, we will cover how to create a Read and Sign form and track your employees' progress:

What is the Courses Feature?

The Courses feature is one of the most flexible features Connecteam has to offer. Using courses allows you to create a specific process you want your employees to go through, by adding a variety of sections and objects within those sections This article’s example will be uploading a document for users to read and then sign.

How Do I Activate the Courses Feature?

To activate the courses add it to your left sidebar, and then name the course to how you want your users to see it on their phones. In our example, we will name our course “Company Documents.”

GIF of Creating a new Course on Connecteam Dashboard

What does a Read and Sign Contain?

The read-and-sign usually has two sections:

  • Section 1: A Description Object - this may include text, images, or a declaration that the users will need to acknowledge.

  • Section 2: Acknowledgment - the acknowledgment section can be implemented in various ways, and will usually include "your name", "date of signing", and a "signature" element.

Step by Step: Creating a Read and Sign

Step 1: Name Your Section

The first thing you will do when uploading a document to the Courses feature is to name the section. In our example, I named the section “Read and Sign.”

Screenshot of creating a Read and Sign Course in Connecteam Dashboard

Step 2: Add a Form Object

After naming the section you add a form object. This is where you will create the read and sign itself.

Screenshot of adding a Form under a Course in Connecteam Dashboard

Step 3: Add the relevant fields within the form

Within the form will add four fields:

  1. Description Field: This field will contain all the contents you want your users to sign off on.

  2. Open text field: This is where users will type their names. Although when submitted the entry itself will contain the user's name, adding this field will include their name printed right above the signature. This creates more of a commitment from the user and therefore it is recommended.

  3. Date field: Here users will enter the date of acknowledgment. Again while each entry is time-stamped, adding a date field causes the date to appear next to the user’s names and signature. This requires more of a commitment from the user and creates a more professional look.

  4. Signature: Here users will be able to include their signature on file.

In the picture below you can see all these fields inside the form, as well as a preview of how it will look on the user's end.

Pro Tips

  • Set the form fields as required

When creating the fields within the form be sure to set them as required. This will ensure that your users fill out all the required information before being able to submit the form.

  • Limit the entries per user to a single entry

By default, Forms can be submitted multiple times. However, when creating a read & sign form, you only need a single entry per user. You can limit the number of entries under the form settings page:

When creating the Form > click on "Settings" at the bottom of the page > under the "General" tab > select the option to limit the number of entries per user > set the number of entries available as one entry. Click on "Confirm" and your settings will be saved!

  • Track your employees' progress

Access your Overall Course Statistics insights page to keep track of your employees' progress! You can even take further actions such as notifying your employees to complete the form, chatting with them, or creating a Quick Task for them to complete!

How Will the Form Look?

Every form entry automatically generates a PDF copy that can be sent to a predefined email address. To read more about the auto-distribution of PDF copies here.

Below is an example of how the form we created above will look when the employee has completed the form.

Screenshot of a submitted Read and Sign Form as a PDF file on Connecteam

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