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Celebrating your employees birthday and work anniversaries using Connecteam.

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

The sense of belonging and visibility of employees in the organization is critical and vital. Employee turnover costs the company both time and money, two valuable resources. Studies show that companies that communicate positively with their employees, increase their sense of visibility and belonging, increase motivation, and dramatically lower employee turnover rates in the organization. For this reason we have created our Celebrations feature that allows you to celebrate with your users their birthdays and work anniversaries within the company.

In this article we will go over:

What is the Celebrations Feature

With the "Celebrations" feature, as soon as you enter the admin dashboard and enter the feature itself the birthday and work anniversary celebrations of users' that take place today and tomorrow appears. The celebration feature ensures that no event will be missed and that your company is prepared to celebrate with each employee :)

How to Activate Celebration

To activate the celebrations feature, navigate to the left side bar and select celebrations, then click activate. Take a look at how this looks below.

How Does the Celebrations Feature Work?

In the middle of the screen you will see today and tomorrow.

In order to prepare in advance when entering the Celebrations feature the Tomorrow appears by default. Here you can see the employees celebrating a birthday or having a work anniversary tomorrow.

To prepare for the event, simply select select Add Message and formulate a personal message to be sent to the employee and select save.

In the Today tab, you can see the celebrations for the current day. Here you can also see the activity of other users participating in the celebration through the likes and comments written and even add your own comments. To get a complete look at the activity or add a comment select the celebration. Take a look at how this looks below.

How to Manage Future and Past Celebrations

Once entering the feature, if you scroll to the bottom of the screen, you will be able to view all the celebrations in the organization.

Using the filter, you can get a list with all the celebrations according to the date range you have chosen, the type of celebration, and if you have already formulated and prepared a personal message for it.

How do Celebrations Look in the Mobile App

If there are celebrations for the users, each day they will appear at the top of the feed in the celebration section. This contains all the birthday and work anniversaries of every day.

By clicking on each celebration, employees will be able to leave comments and celebrate with users! Every day a new celebration update will pop up again at the beginning of the day.

The user celebrating the birthday or anniversary will receive the notification as soon as he opens the mobile app the day of his celebration This way, they cannot miss this special event created for them.

Employee Celebration Settings

In the celebration settings you can define a number of things:

  • What celebrations would you like to celebrate in the organization - Do you want to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or both

  • Who will celebrate with the employees? You can define whether everyone will be able to view the celebration or only those who meet the same criteria. Such as department, branch, or jobs.


In this article we went over, what the celebrations feature is and how to activate it. We talked about what you can view in the two available tabs, Today and Tomorrow, and how to prepare for an event by adding a personal message. We also went over how to view comments and likes made by your company's users, and join in on the celebration by commenting yourself. Finally, we went over the celebration settings. Now go celebrate with your company!

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