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Managing Celebrations

Learn how to prepare for your employee's upcoming celebrations and view past ones

Victoria Levin avatar
Written by Victoria Levin
Updated over a week ago

Our Celebrations feature lets you spotlight your employees' birthdays and work anniversaries. This can boost their morale and encourage recognition among colleagues. Let's explore how you, as an admin, can better prepare for upcoming celebrations and view old ones when needed!  

This article we'll cover:

Preparing for Upcoming Celebrations

To begin, navigate the Celebrations feature from the left sidebar. Once you've accessed it, the first thing you'll notice is the employees' celebrations for Tomorrow. This is intentional to help you better prepare for the upcoming spotlight they will receive. 

Knowing that tomorrow is a special day for them, you can write a personalized message to each of them. Simply click on Attach a message, write a few words, and then hit Save message. Tomorrow, their automatic celebration will include your note.

💡Tip: You can decide who the celebration message will be sent from: you, the company, or a custom publisher.

If you've made a mistake, simply access the celebration, click on Edit message, adjust it, and then save it again.

Additionally, if your company likes to prepare well in advance, even weeks or months ahead, we have another solution for you!

Scroll down to the Past and upcoming celebrations section. Here, you can use the date range to see upcoming dates and write additional custom messages. Then, click on Export to get the list in an Excel file if needed. 

This is especially useful for:

  • Managers who prefer to save time by setting aside a few moments occasionally to write custom messages instead of doing it more frequently.

  • Companies that hold monthly celebratory events in the office for all birthdays or work anniversaries that month. Using the date range capability allows you to plan ahead, know who to celebrate next month, and ensure everyone feels special and valued.

Viewing Past Celebrations

Now that you know how to prepare for future birthdays and work anniversaries, it's also important to know how to view and manage past ones.

Next to the "Tomorrow" tab we've explored previously, you have the Today tab, where you can see the celebrations for the current day. Here, you can also see the engagement generated for each, the likes and comments written by other users, and even add your own comments.

Let's examine the Past and upcoming celebrations section again, where you can view the following information:

  • Date: The date when the celebration has been or will be sent.

  • Full Name of the recipient.

  • Type of Celebration: Indicates whether it is a birthday or work anniversary.

  • Message: This displays the celebratory message written by the admin, which will be sent alongside the celebration to the user. You can view the existing message created by you or another admin or click "Attach a message" to add one yourself.

  • Reactions: This column shows the reactions and comments made by other users, indicating the engagement generated.  


You can use the filters to narrow your view and/or find specific past user celebrations and effortlessly manage them.

This is particularly helpful for larger companies, as it ensures that records are accurate and complete, making it easier to track which employees have been recognized over time and avoiding redundant acknowledgments.


You can quickly export your company's celebrations by clicking on Export.

An Excel (xlsx.) file will be exported. Take the following as an example of what it looks like:

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