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Schedule Limitations: Scheduler Limitations for Admins

Customize the limitations of the schedule to facilitate the process of dispatching shifts

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

The Job Scheduler allows you to create shifts and dispatch jobs for your team with all the information needed to complete the job. Anyone who has scheduled employees though knows it is never as easy as it looks. Without accurate information, managers can unknowingly make costly mistakes that break company policies, or worse the law. Even if they do build the perfect schedule changes happen, and when not managed properly these can leave managers empty-handed without staff to cover for a job.

The Schedule's Limitations capabilities empower managers, indicating that they are exceeding the allowed work hours/shifts while scheduling. It also helps limit actions your employees can take after receiving their schedule. for example, dropping shifts they previously claimed.

In this article, we will go over specifically the Schedule Limitations for Admins, meaning the limitations that apply to admins when scheduling shifts. To learn about the Scheduler Limitations for Users click here.

Why Set Up Schedule Limitations

Every business has certain regulations they need to comply with whether on a company level or a legal level, using limitations ensures that you are complying with these labor laws or your business's dispatching rules.

  • Make sure admins don't schedule employees' additional hours or shifts above the weekly limit (preventing unnecessary overtime).

  • Make sure admins don't schedule shifts that are too long (preventing overtime)

  • Make sure that admins comply with break laws and provide the necessary breaks between shifts.

  • Ensure a schedule where employees receive a fair amount of shifts.

How to Set Up Limitations

To Set Up Limitations, enter the Schedule, click on settings, and enter the Limitations tab. Then simply check off the limitations you'd like to set and save changes.

In the example below you can see I set the limitations to be that users need to have an 8-hour break between shifts.

What Schedule Limitations Can Be Set?

The limitations that can be set for admins are:

  • Max work hours per user per week is X

  • Max number of shifts per user per week is X

  • Max work hours per user per a dat is X

  • Max number of shifts per user per day is X

  • Min hours grap between consecutive shifts is X

Note that each time you activate a limitation it will ask if you'd like this limitation also to apply when employees claim open shifts.

When Creating the Schedule How Do Limitations Look For Admins?

When creating the schedule admins will be able to work freely and schedule shifts as they wish. However, if they take an action that violates a limitation set a pop-up will appear explaining that and asking whether or not they would like to change the shift assignment or publish it anyway.

In addition when in the user view you'll always be able to see the weekly number of hours and shifts an employee has published and in draft. If in any way this violates the limitation, this will appear in red. When hovering over you'll be able to see how the employee's schedule violates the limitations. In the example below you can see that the employee's hours violate the limitations so they appear in red. When hovering hours I can see the exact reason - the weekly hours limit was reached.

Please note that at the moment the ability to set limitations on the Job Schedule will apply to the entire schedule and any assigned users or smart groups. You are not able to set different limitations for users under the same Job Schedule. With that being said, this is a feature request on our roadmap. You are welcome to vote for this feature and leave your feedback for our product team.

*Limitations are available from the Operations Hub Expert Plan*

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