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Time Clock: The Power of Job Insights and How To Use Them

View the total hours worked per job

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over a week ago

Every business needs to track how its resources are allocated, and with Connecteam's Time Clock, you can use the Job Insights capability to do just that! Learn about how powerful job insights are and understand how employees’ time is spent, how it can be optimized, view and even export hours worked per job or customer, and more.

In this article, we will go over:

Job Insights is a great place to get the information you need for invoicing and billing jobs (i.e. clients, worksites, customers, projects). Learn more about how to do invoicing with Connecteam here.

How to Access Job Insights

To access Job Insights:

  1. Access the Time clock from the side-bar

  2. Click on the Timesheets tab

  3. Scroll down and view Job Insights

  4. Click on View All Jobs to view details

In the Timesheets tab, you can see an overview of the Overall Job Insights. You can view the total hours spent on each job, and the average hours spent on each job per shift. If you have a Job with Sub Jobs, you can view the information for each Sub Job individually and for all of them in total.

Please note, that the total hours in the job insights will always include break hours. If you would like to view total hours without the break hours, you can export users' timesheets, in the payroll total export format.

How to Work with Job Insights

To have Job Insights show the information you need, follow these steps:

  1. Choose to view the information by jobs or by users. Viewing by jobs will show you a breakdown per job and the total hours worked by all employees for one specific job. Viewing by users will show you a breakdown per user and the total hours each user worked for each job, along with an easy indication of job usage including notes and shift attachment information.

  2. Change the date range to work with the timeframe you need. This way you can narrow down or expand the time period to see the total worked hours.

  3. Click on Filter and choose the relevant filter fields. You can add layers of filters by clicking on the "+" button and adding another layer.

Now, let's go through what you can see in each view.

View by Jobs

Job Insights will show you the total hours that were completed on that date range, the list of Jobs and Sub-Jobs, the employees that performed each job, the number of shifts spent on that job, and its total hours.

In the example below, I want to see the total hours worked for the client 'Michael Wilson' (that I have set as a job) during March. I changed the date range to include only March and I filtered for the job 'Michael Wilson' to only see this job.

View by Users

If you wish to analyze data per employee, click on the view by "Users" on the top left. This view will break down the details per user. You can view each employee's jobs, the number of shifts spent on these jobs, and the total hours they worked on each job. You can also change the date range and set filters in this view.

Click on View Job Usage to see the exact details of each job worked per user. Here, you can also view shift attachments and notes for each job. If you encounter any mistakes in the job worked, or you need to remove hours, this can easily be changed from this screen as well.

How to Export Job Insights

To download this data for billing or documentation purposes, you can export the job insights. You can use this data to bill clients, print it out, or share it externally.

After filtering the information and selecting the relevant date range, click Export and select if to download it as an Excel or PDF File. You can also download the details (excel). This option gives the Job's total hours but includes the time entry details, for billing purposes & labor review.

There are 3 main Exports:

  1. You can either export the Totals to Excel or PDF, which will show the total hours per job broken down for each employee

  2. Or you can download the "Details (Excel)" version, which shows you each shift that was done per job

    3. You can also export job usage per employee by switching to 'View by Users'. Click on View Job Usage and click Export to download an Excel or PDF file with the job usage information.

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