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The Time Clock’s Timesheet Tab

Quickly access your employee's summary of worked hours for the date range of your choice and understand how they've spent their time

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Written by Connecteam Experts
Updated over a month ago

The Time Clock allows you to manage your employee's hours and facilitates the payroll process. The Timesheets tab is where you will easily find the summary of your employees' worked hours so you can easily analyze them, filter through them, and understand where and how your employees are spending their time.

Let's take a closer look at the Timesheets Tab to learn how to read your employees' timesheets and take full advantage of all the valuable information it offers!

In this article, we will cover:

How to Access the Timesheets Tab

To access the Timesheets tab and get the summary of your user's worked hours, simply navigate to the Time Clock feature from the left sidebar, then click on Access Clock and make sure to click on the Timesheets tab.

Please note, only admins with permissions to the Time Clock will be able to access the Timesheets tab. If you cannot view the timesheet tab, reach out to your account owner to grant you permission to the Time Clock feature and to the specific Time Clock! 

What Can I See on the Timesheets Tab?

The Timesheets tab displays some valuable information and allows you to take certain powerful actions, let's understand more about each of them below!

Filtering Through the Timesheets

When you first access it, you'll see the timesheets for all users assigned to the time clock for the current payroll period. You can narrow down this view by using the Quick & Advanced Filters in the Timesheet tab. 

You can narrow your search using filters to find specific employees by department or manager. Learn more about using the Time Clock's Quick and Advanced Filters here. 

  • Date Range: By default, you will be able to see the total hours worked, and their breakdown, for the current payroll period. By using the date range on the top left, you can adjust it to your needs and view older payroll periods or custom dates.

Managing Requests & Exporting Timesheets

Now that you've learned how to filter through the timesheets to make sure you only view exactly what you need at the time you need it, let's take a look at the other actions we can take from this tab and the information that is displayed.

  • View Requests: when a user submits a shift request, or a request to edit their worked hours, you will be able to view them and control them through here.

  • Track Approval Progress: The approval progress bar gives you instant visibility into your timesheet approval status. At a glance, you can see how many employees still need to submit their timesheets and how many timesheets were already approved, making your payroll process streamlined.

    You can access additional options right from the progress bar - use the Filter icon to refine your view, or click the Chat icon to directly message employees who haven't submitted their timesheets yet.

    When using the progress bar filter, you can choose to view specific timesheet statuses based on the following: Admin Approval (Approved or Open), by Employee Submission Status (Submitted or Open), or by the timesheets that have unresolved issues. To learn more about the timesheet approval process, click here.


  • Export: you can easily export your timesheets with a few clicks from this option. To learn more about the time clock export options and process, take a look at this article.

Understanding the Overview of the Timesheet Columns

Let's now continue to learn how to read the overview of your user's timesheets and what kind of information is provided!

  • Overview of worked hours: this will display a breakdown of the total hours worked in the selected date range for all users assigned to this time clock. It will also display the total pay per date (if pay rates are enabled).

💡Tip: if you have multiple overtime rules with different multipliers, hover over the Overtime total to display a breakdown of the total per multiplier.

When looking at the actual timesheets, you will view the breakdown of total hours worked in the selected date range for each user. You can click on each of them to get a more detailed explanation broken down per day. The following are the columns displayed:

  • Total Hours: This column displays the total hours for the selected date range, and includes the regular hours, the overtime, and the paid time off columns

  • Regular Hours: This column displays the regular hours worked, at the base pay rate, where no special pay conditions exist.

  • Overtime: if you have any overtime rules set up and a user has worked those types of hours, they will be displayed in this exact column

  • Paid Time Off: This column displays the approved paid time off.

💡Tip: your hours can be displayed either in time (04:30) or decimal (4.5) format depending on your personal preference.

  • Total Pay: this will show you the total amount of pay per user, based on the Total Hours column

  • User Submission: related to the timesheet approval process, it will display when a user has reviewed their timesheets, approved them, and submitted them for admin approval

  • Admin Approval: related to the timesheet approval process, it will display when an admin has reviewed and approved the user's timesheet, locking it for payroll as a consequence and preventing users from making any changes (unless it is reopened).

  • Issues: if there are any conflicts on the user's timesheets, they will be highlighted in this column. You can hover over the red icon to see the number of issues that exist on their timesheet and click on it to access them and solve them with a few simple steps. To learn more about this, click here.

💡Tip: if you wish to manage and take action on the timesheets of multiple users at the same time, you can do so by using the bulk actions capability.  

Please note: You can customize the columns displayed on the Timesheets tab. To do so, click on the columns icon on the far right and adjust which ones you wish to be shown.

The Job Insights

By scrolling to the bottom of the Timesheets tab, you will find the Job Insights capability, where you can obtain valuable data about the hours worked for each job.

This section of the Timesheets tab provides two important columns for each job: Total Hours and Average Hours per Shift. Please note that the displayed totals will depend on the date range you select at the top of the Timesheets tab. You can click on the View All Jobs button on the top right to access the Job Insights modal.

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