Now that you've learned the basics about scheduling and your shifts, let's go over a few frequently asked questions to further assist you!
ℹ️ Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the Job Schedule on my computer?
How do I use the Job Schedule on my computer?
Please note: while the video tutorial above explains how to use the feature from the mobile app, the Job Schedule can also be used from the computer. So let's cover everything that can be done from here too.
Once you access your schedule from the desktop, you will automatically view all of your teammates' schedules, but you can view only yours by switching to the Only Me view.
You can view all your shifts, confirm/reject them (if allowed by your admin), claim open shifts, add/delete unavailability, request replacements, and see if you've been asked to replace any colleagues, etc.
I have questions about my shift. How do I talk to my manager?
I have questions about my shift. How do I talk to my manager?
A great way to communicate with your manager about specific questions, issues, or misunderstandings related to your shifts is to contact them directly through the shift. To do this, open the relevant schedule, find the shift in question, and tap on the note icon in the bottom left corner to write your message.
Your admin will be notified and can view your note directly within the shift, which gives them better context for your issue or concern. If needed, they can then start a chat with you.
How do I add repeating unavailability and prefer to work hours?
How do I add repeating unavailability and prefer to work hours?
This can be done very easily from both the mobile app and the desktop, let's go over the steps for each option!
Mobile App
Access the Job Schedule and select the relevant schedule
Then go to My availability
Find the day you need and add your unavailability or prefer to work hours
Make sure to toggle on the option Repeat availability preferences at the bottom and choose the details:
Decide how often it repeats and if it's daily, weekly, or monthly
Select the days of the week the preference will occur on
Set when the repetition will end - it can either be after a specific number of occurrences or on a specific date of your choice.
Hit the Confirm button
All done!
💡Tip: Keep in mind that the options are not exclusive. You can add both an unavailability and a prefer to work on the same day. For example, if you prefer to work from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. but are unavailable from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Access the Job Schedule from the left sidebar and select the relevant schedule
Then go to My availability
Select between Unavailable or Prefer to work
Make sure to activate the option Repeat at the bottom and choose the details:
Decide how often it repeats and if it's daily, weekly, or monthly
Select the days of the week the preference will occur on
Set when the repetition will end - it can either be after a specific number of occurrences or on a specific date of your choice.
Hit the Save unavailability/work preference button
All done!
Disclaimer: these options are only available depending on how your admin set up the account. You may have both options, only the ability to add unavailability, or none of the options.
Can I edit/delete an availability preference?
Can I edit/delete an availability preference?
Absolutely! Access your schedule and navigate to My availability tab, and select the relevant unavailability or prefer to work preference. To edit it, simply make your adjustments, such as changing the date, the note, or times, and then hit Confirm.
To delete it, simply select the trash icon in the bottom left corner. It will be removed.
I accidentally put a repeating unavailability, how do I delete all the repetitions at once?
I accidentally put a repeating unavailability, how do I delete all the repetitions at once?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to delete recurring unavailabilities in bulk. You will need to delete them one by one.
How can I claim an open shift?
How can I claim an open shift?
Login to your mobile app
Access your Job Schedule and then the relevant schedule
Find the relevant day and select the open shift
You can press Claim shift directly or first press on the shift itself to view its details and only after to claim in
If the shift doesn't require admin approval, you are done! The shift has been added to your schedule.
If the shift requires admin approval, its status will be Pending admin approval. When your admin reviews it and makes a decision, it will either be changed to Accepted or Rejected.
The process is the same if you wish to claim open shifts through the desktop, as illustrated below.
How can I be notified when a shift is ready to be claimed?
How can I be notified when a shift is ready to be claimed?
You need to access the Job Schedule's Notifications Settings and toggle on the option "When a schedule is published." Once you activate it, you will be notified when your admin publishes open shifts so you can be one of the first to claim them!
How do I request a shift replacement?
How do I request a shift replacement?
Access the Job Schedule and then the relevant schedule.
Select the relevant shift where you'd like to be replaced on
Press on Find replacement.
Choose any user from the list and hit Done.
Now, the request needs to be approved by the receiving user. You will be notified once your colleague accepts/rejects it. Additionally, it might require admin approval (depending on how your manager set it up). In that case, you will see the replacement status in the replacement tab. Once both the employee and the admin have approved the shift replacement, you'll receive a notification, and the shift will be removed from your schedule.
The process is the same if you wish to send a shift replacement request through the desktop, as illustrated below.
How do I accept/decline a co-worker's shift replacement request?
How do I accept/decline a co-worker's shift replacement request?
Access the Job Schedule and then the relevant schedule.
Navigate to the Replacements section, then the Received tab
Press on the request that was sent to you
Choose to accept or decline.
If you decline it, it all done!
If you accept it, it will either be automatically approved and added as a new shift to your schedule or you will need to wait for an admin's approval (this depends on your admin's account setup).
If it requires admin approval, once an admin accepts the change, you will be able to view it was approved:
The process is the same if you wish to send a shift replacement request through the desktop, as illustrated below.
I can’t see my upcoming shifts on the feed anymore. How do I solve this?
I can’t see my upcoming shifts on the feed anymore. How do I solve this?
Not seeing your upcoming shifts on your mobile app Feed anymore, even though you used to? No worries! Start by checking your schedule to make sure you have a confirmed, published shift in the upcoming days.
Can I Sync my connecteam shifts to my personal calendar?
Can I Sync my connecteam shifts to my personal calendar?
Yes, if you are using Google, Microsoft, or Apple Calenders then you will be able to sync your shifts and your calendar in just two easy steps. Click here to learn how.
* If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact your account admin or manager directly*