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Rewards From the User's View

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Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over a week ago


You must have done something awesome if you received rewards from your manager. After all the hard work, it feels good to be rewarded, and what better way to celebrate this moment than with various gift cards to all your favorite shops!

We got you covered, and in this article, we will learn how to use rewards feature and the tokens you have received.

How to View Rewards on the Connecteam App

First things firsts rewards are always received in the form of tokens, which can be used to purchase gift cards from leading services. Once you receive tokens from your manager, you will get a push notification stating that you received a reward from your manager, click on it and it will lead you to the app. Next, click on "claim" and the tokens will be added to your balance.

For your profile tab, you can either view your balance of tokens and save them or if your balance is high enough, you can click on use tokens to purchase gift cards for various shops available at the tip of your fingers.

If you want to view your latest rewards, click on them from your feed, here you can hit the "like" button or comment on this post to show you're grateful for it.

If you wish to view your token balance and use them, click on the post on your feed, or go to your profile tab and access your token balance. If you click on "history" you can also view the rewards given to you in the past.

How to View the Rewards Feature on the Dashboard

To access the rewards from the dashboard, enter your account from the dashboard, and next click on the "Rewards" feature from the left sidebar. Here, you can view the history of your rewards, your token balance, and of course the available gift cards you can purchase. If you have received enough tokens from your manager and want to purchase a gift card, simply press select next to the relevant gift card.

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