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Duplicate Admin Permissions and Managed Groups

Save time by using the duplication capability for admin permissions

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over 6 months ago

If your head of HR is on maternity leave or went on a long vacation and you need a quick solution to replace them, we got you covered! With Connecteam's ability to duplicate admin permissions, you can copy permissions from one admin to another. This goes for features and for managing smart groups! Also, if you are promoting a new admin you can grant them the permissions of an existing admin; this will help speed up the process of setting up your company and will allow your company to keep growing without any hassle and with a quick solution. Let’s go over how to do this below.

In this article we will go over:

How to Duplicate Admin Permissions for an Existing Admin

If you have an admin who will fill another admin's role, you can now add permissions easily by duplicating them from one admin to another. You can choose to add the new permissions to existing permissions or override old permissions with new ones.

To duplicate admin permissions for an existing admin:

  1. Access the Users Tab and click on the Admins board.

  2. Find the admin you want to grant permissions to.

  3. The following steps apply for copying permissions for features or smart groups:

    1. To copy admin permissions for features, under the "Permissions" column, click on the features and choose "Copy from".

    2. To copy admin permissions for managed groups, under the "Managed Groups" column, click on the groups and choose "Copy from".

  4. Select the admin from the list to copy permissions from an existing admin to this admin.

  5. Choose whether you want to add the new permissions to the existing permissions OR override existing permissions to replace old permissions with the new permissions selected now.

  6. Click on the "Confirm" button and you are good to go!

💡 Tip: To learn more about Manager Permissions, click here.

How to Duplicate Admin Permissions when Adding an Admin

From now on, it couldn't be easier to promote a user to an admin. When promoting a new admin, you can grant them the same permissions as another admin of your choice. Here's how to get it done:

  1. Access the Users Tab and click on the Admins board.

  2. Click on "Add Admins".

  3. Select the user you wish to promote.

  4. Click on assigned groups and choose "Copy From". Select the admin you wish to copy from the list. Click "Copy groups" to confirm.

  5. Click on assigned features and choose "Copy From". Select the admin you wish to copy from the list. Click "Copy permissions" to confirm.

  6. Click on "Promote", and you're done! The user has now been sent an email invitation to join the account as an admin.

💡 Tip: To learn more about how to add an admin, click here.

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