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Admin Permissions

Decide what your admins have access to - whether it's users, categories, or assets

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Connecteam was built and designed to bring a real all-in-one solution to your business. In doing so, the platform allows you to modify your system admins' permissions to access users, features, and content in their dashboards, according to their role in the company.

In this article, we'll go through the difference between owner and admin permissions, how to set permissions for each feature, system preferences, and advanced admin permissions for specific features.

Part 1: What Permissions Exist?

There are two options for manager permissions:

  1. Owner - This is the highest level of permissions. Owners can see all features and users and can access and control all the dashboard's capabilities. The account creator's default permission is Owner.

  2. Admin - This may be assigned to specific features, assets, and/or users. When adding new managers, their default permission is Admin.

To decide which type of permission your managers need, learn about the differences between owners and admins and if necessary change an admin into an owner.

Part 2: Set Up System Preferences

There are general default settings that allow you to automate the process of adding admins to categories and assets. Learn how to set the platform’s system preferences in our article on Admin Permissions in the General Settings.

Part 3: How to Manage Admin Permissions

Admins can be assigned to categories (features), assets (items within each feature), or smart groups (users). The option to edit admin permissions will be indicated by the avatars at the top of the screen.

When the setting 'Automatically add all admins to this asset' is toggled off, you can manually add or remove admins from the list. The setting 'Admins can add other admins to this asset' enables system admins to add other admins.

Assign Admins to Categories

By assigning an admin to a category, we can allow them to create assets in this category. For example, if an admin is assigned to the Time Clock feature, they can add new time clocks. If they are assigned to the Updates feature, they can create new updates. And so on.

To assign an admin to a category, navigate to the category on the sidebar and click on the category admins at the top of the screen.

Assign Admins to Assets

In each category, there may be multiple assets. By assigning an asset to specific admins, you can decide what content your admins will have access to. For example, admins can be assigned to specific Time Clocks within the Time Clock feature. This way, they only see staff timesheets for the relevant branches of their company.

To assign an admin to an asset, navigate to the category on the sidebar and click on an asset for example, the specific time clock or form you want that admin to be assigned. Once you're in the asset, click on the asset admins at the top of the screen.

Pro tip: If an admin is assigned to at least one asset under a category, it'll automatically assign them to the category as well. Still, they will only be able to see content assigned to them.

Assign Admins to Users

Assigning admins to users in the Smart Groups tab allows you to decide which users admins will have access to on the platform. All across the platform, admins will only see users of smart groups they have admin permissions for. They'll only see timesheets, forms, and other content submitted by those users.

To assign an admin to a smart group, navigate to the Smart Groups tab on the sidebar and click on a smart group. Then, click on the group admins at the top of the page.

Pro tip: The 'all users' smart group is a default system group in which all users are automatically included. If you do not want to allow admins access to all users, make sure they are not assigned to this group

Part 4: Dive In With Advanced Admin Permissions

On the Expert plan, some features in Connecteam go above and beyond simply enabling or disabling access to admins. Forms allow you to choose if you want your admins to view submissions only, view + edit submissions, or have full access to everything including adding new forms. Similarly, Time Off allows you to choose if to allow your admins to view only permissions or the ability to manage all policies.

Check out the features below to explore deep admin permissions for each:

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*Manager permissions are available from the Advanced plan in any hub*

*Deep admin permissions are available from the Expert plan*

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