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Admin Permissions

Decide what your admins have access to - whether it's categories, assets, and/or users

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Connecteam was built and designed to bring a real all-in-one solution to your business. In doing so, the platform allows you to modify your system admins' permissions to access users, features, and content in their dashboards according to their role in the company.

In this article, we'll cover:

What Types of Access Levels Exist?

When it comes to the access level that a user can have on the platform, there are two options:

  1. Owner: This is the highest level of access/permissions. Owners can access and manage all features, assets, and users and fully control all of the dashboard's capabilities. By default, the account creator's access level is the owner.

  2. Admin: This may be assigned to specific features, assets, and/or users. When new managers are added, their default access level is admin.

To decide which type of permission your managers need, learn about the differences between owners and admins and, if necessary, change an admin into an owner.

Set Up the System Preferences

On Connecteam, there are general default settings that allow you to automate the process of adding admins to features/categories, assets, and smart groups. Meaning, when you add a new admin, you can ensure they have permissions over certain content in the platform automatically.

Learn how to set the platform’s system preferences in our article General Settings: Admin Permissions

How to Manage Admin Permissions

Now, let's take a closer look at what an admin can control on the platform when given permission. Admins can be assigned to manage (1) categories (features), (2) assets (specific items within each feature), and/or (3) users (smart groups).

For instance, suppose you have multiple forms for users to complete, and you want Ryan Hunt, an admin from the New York office, to have admin permission over just one form titled 'End of Job Report', so that he can review submissions made by his direct employees in New York. To set this up, you’ll need to assign Ryan the appropriate admin permissions by granting him access to (1) the Forms feature, (2) the specific form he needs, and (3) the relevant users/smart group. Let’s walk through how to set this up using this example.


By assigning an admin to a category, we can allow them to create assets in this category. For example, if an admin is assigned to the Time Clock feature, they can add new time clocks. If they are assigned to the Updates feature, they can create new updates. And so on.

To assign an admin to a category, access the category from the left sidebar, click on the Permission at the top right corner, and add the admin you need. Continuing our previous example, you can see how we give Ryan permissions over the Forms category/feature.   


In each category, there may be multiple assets, such as multiple time clocks, job schedules, forms, updates, and so on. By assigning an asset to specific admins, you can decide what content your admins will have access to.

To assign an admin to an asset, access the category from the left sidebar, then click on the specific asset you need. Once you have accessed it, click on the Asset Admins at the top right corner and add the admin you need. Continuing our previous example, you can see how we give Ryan permission over the form (asset) titled 'End of Job Report'.

Please note: If an admin is given permission for at least one asset under a category, it'll automatically give them permission to the category as well. Of course, they will only be able to view the assets they have permission for.


To give an admin access to specific users, you'll need to use Smart Groups. Smart Groups allow you to organize users based on criteria you define, and you can assign an admin to manage one or multiple groups as needed. This grants the admin access to all users within the group. Across the platform, admins will only see users in the Smart Groups for which they have permission. This means they'll only have visibility over timesheets, forms, and other content submitted by those users.

To give admin permissions over a smart group, access the Smart Groups section from the left sidebar and access the specific group you need. Then click on Group Permission at the top right corner and add the admin. Continuing our previous example, you can see how we gave Ryan permission over the 'New York' smart group so he can access and manage the employees from the New York office. 

Please note: The 'all users' smart group is a default system group in which all users are automatically included. If you do not want to allow admins access to all users, make sure they are not assigned to this group

When editing the permissions of categories, assets, and smart groups, you will notice these settings at the top:

  • Automatically add all admins to this group

  • Admins can add other admins to this group

These are the default settings. If you want to be able to remove certain admins from having permissions over a category, asset, and/or smart groups, toggle off the option 'Automatically add all admins to this group' and then manually remove them.

Deep Admin Permissions

Some features in Connecteam offer more than just basic admin access; they provide deep admin permissions. For example, with Forms, you can specify the level of control an admin has by allowing them to view submissions, edit submissions, modify the form and its settings, or add new forms.

Similarly, in Time Off, you can choose whether an admin has view-only access, the ability to edit and approve requests, or even the ability to manage policies.

Check out the features below to explore deep admin permissions available for each:

*Deep admin permissions are available from the Expert plan*

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*Manager permissions are available from the Advanced plan in any hub*

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