The Activity Analytics tab provides valuable insights into user engagement and activity levels across all features and smart groups within your account. This insight helps monitor various departments or sites, making it especially useful for large companies to optimize internal processes. Let's dive in!
This article will cover:
Reviewing the Activity Analytics Data
To access and review the data in the Activity Analytics, start by accessing the Activity page found in the left sidebar, and enter the Activity Analytics tab. In the Activity Analytics tab, you will be able to view:
General Activity
General Users log-in
Product Activity
Activity Comparison by Groups.
For further information on each of these sections, check out this article!
This data is valuable for reporting, but how else can it be utilized? Let’s explore a few key examples!
Activity Analytics Use Cases
The Activity Analytics tab is beneficial for a variety of use cases, such as:
Monitoring activity after launching a new site
Monitoring activity after introducing a new feature
Monitoring activity after implementing a new protocol
Tracking behavior of a branch or team that is underperforming
Let's take a closer look at two of these examples.
Use Case 1: Monitoring Activity After Implementing a New Protocol
Imagine a construction company with multiple sites across the country. Management notices that employees often forget to submit their weekly incident reports, making it difficult to track safety standards and potential hazards. To improve compliance, they implement a new process: employees must submit incident reports at the end of each workday, detailing any incidents that occurred throughout the day.
Using Activity Analytics, management has a simple way to monitor the implementation and success of this new process, across different sites! The Activity Comparison by Groups section will allow management to keep track of which branch has been implementing the new process successfully, specifically regarding the Forms feature.
Scroll down to the Activity Comparison by Groups section.
In the Groups tab, select the different branches to compare them.
In the Products tab, select Forms to view if the form submissions increased.
Above the graph, you'll find a summary of all totals. For example, you can see the number of forms created, entries submitted, and more.
Looking at the graph, each colored line represents the activity of each branch, specifically related to Forms.
By hovering over each line, you will be able to view the data for three usage metrics:
Unique - The number of distinct users who are active in the account.
Totals - The total number of actions performed. This metric offers an overall understanding of engagement and intensity of use.
Percentage - The percentage of users in the selected smart group who are active in the account.
For more information make sure to review this article!
With this insight, management can reach out to supervisors at branches with lower activity to identify challenges and improve the implementation of the new process. This is especially beneficial for large companies, offering a straightforward way to review and monitor activity across multiple sites and make sure everyone is on the right track!
Use Case 2: Monitoring activity after launching a new site
Another example showcasing how Activity Analytics can be beneficial is when launching a new site or branch. For example, let's say you recently opened a new branch in a different city, and you need a way to monitor their engagement within the company and get a general outlook on what they have been up to. Using Activity Analytics, you will be able to determine the success of this new branch by the amount of content they uploaded or the level of interaction on chat, for example, and compare their activity to that of other branches when they initially launched.
Conversely, if you notice that one of your branches is underperforming, you can use Activity Analytics to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to boost engagement, motivation, and morale within the company.
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