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Starting Guide to User Profile Fields

A smart way to identify your workforce using profile fields

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over 2 weeks ago

User Profile fields are a smart way to identify and group your workforce. They allow admins and owners to customize what information is important to them in order to organize their users. A User Profile field is an information field found inside the user's profile and is filled with information specific to each employee. User Profile fields can be fields such as position, birthday, employee start date, t-shirt size and much more! User Profile fields are important since they allow you to filter your workforce at all times, and later on, they will also help you create Smart Groups to better manage your employees.

This article will go over:

Where Do I find User Profile Fields

User Profile fields can be easily created and managed from the Users tab. To create a user profile field enter the Users category from the left sidebar and then access the Manage User details tab. Here, you will be able to create, edit, or delete employee detail categories and user profile fields.

Types of User Profile Fields

Now that you understand why user profile fields are so important and where they are found, let's go over the types of user profile fields that exist. You can create a user profile field in the form of an email, date, number, text, phone number, drop down, file, birthday and direct manager.

Now let's go over a few examples of how this might look:

  • Example 1: You may use the text type to create a user profile field called "Position", where users or administrators can enter the user positions at the company.

  • Example 2: You may create a drop-down to create a user profile field called to called "T-shirt", with size options such as small, medium, and large, which users or admins can choose from.

  • Example 3: You may use the date type to create a user profile field called "Employment Start Date". This will give admins or users the option to later add a date to each user's profile.

How to Create User Profile Fields

To create a user profile field:

  1. Access the Users category from the left sidebar

  2. Click on Manage user details

  3. Then select + Add Field and choose the type of field.

    💡Tip: To facilitate the process of adding a new user profile field, we've created some presets for you to choose from. You have Title (text type), Employee ID (number type), and Gender (dropdown type). 

  4. Once you've made your selection, name it and press Save

In the example below you can see I created a user profile field named "Job". If you create a User Profile field for one user, that User Profile field will be added to every one of your users' profiles. The admin will only need to update the created User Profile field in each profile.

💡Tip: By default, the user profile has two categories of fields - Personal Details and Company Details - but you can always create additional categories or rename these. To add a category simply click on "+ Add Category" in the top right-hand corner and name the category. To rename the category, hover over the Personal Details or Company detail title and select the pen icon.

Adjust the Settings of the User Profile Field

Once you have added a user profile field it is important to adjust its settings. This can be done either while creating the user profile field, or after the fact. To set a user profile field's settings simply enter the Manage user details tab, hover over the user profile field, and select Settings. Here you are presented with a few options.

Let's go over these below:

  • Select which admins can view this information: here you can choose which admins can see information in a particular user profile field

  • Select which admins can edit this information: allows you to choose which admins can edit information of specific user profile fields

  • Required: Checking this field off means the user profile field is required to be filled out when adding the user

  • Visible for mobile users: this allows users to

  • Users can edit this information via the mobile app: checking this option allows the admin to give the ability to update information of a certain user profile field to users. This can be great for user profile fields that contain more personal information such as t-shirt, birthday, or allergies.

  • Multiple Selection: checking this option allows users to select more than one option for a drop-down list. This option is specifically for drop-down user profile fields.

  • Auto creates Smart Groups: Once you enable this, it will automatically create a Smart Group for each item in the dropdown field - in this case, one for each position.

Updating User Profile Fields Inside a User Profile

Now that you know all about creating and editing user profile fields. Let's go over what these look like and how they can be updated inside a user’s profile. Once inside the user's profile, you can see the user profile fields listed under the categories. In the example below we can see there are user profile fields such as position, employment start date, and branch.

To update these user profile fields simply type in, add a date, or select from the drop-down the correct information. In the example below I set my user's position to be cook. Take a look at how this looks below.

ℹ️ Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to create these user profile fields?

The best time to create a user profile field is actually before you add in your users. This way you will know exactly which fields you need to identify your workhouse and ensure the field is filled out when each user is

Is there a way to bulk update the user profile fields? How can I do that?

Yes, there is! There are two ways you can bulk update user profile fields.

The first way is from the Users section. Access the Users section from the left sidebar, select the users whose user profile fields you want to update, click on the Actions menu and select 'Update user details'. Select the field you need to update for them and choose the new field value.

The second way is from the Manage User Details tab. Access the Manage User Details tab, find the relevant user profile field, select the users whose user profile fields you want to update, click on the Actions menu, choose the value of the new field, and hit confirm.

Can I see who does not have a specific user profile field filled out?

Yes, you can! When you enter the employee details page as done above click on a specific custom field, and a summary will appear on the right. Here you can view the status and see which users have value entered in their user profile field and which do not.


In this article, we went over what a user profile field is and how it helps you identify your workforce. We described how to find user profile fields and the types of user profile fields that exist. We created a user profile field step by step and learned how to set the settings of each user profile field. We also updated user profile fields in our users' profiles and answered some of our most asked questions. Now that you know the basics and more. Go ahead and identify your workforce!

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