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Configure Your Preferred Language

Follow these guidelines to ensure that you're using the app in your own language

Sam Rothman avatar
Written by Sam Rothman
Updated over a week ago

As a global company, Connecteam is available in many languages. By default, the admin dashboard will appear in the language pre-configured on your browser, and the mobile app will appear in the language of your phone.

In this article we will go over the following:

Setting up the preferred language on the dashboard

If you would like to change the current language of your app, follow the instructions below.:

  1. Click on the general settings on the top right of your dashboard

  2. Click on "General" and select a language from the list

  3. Click on "save changes" to confirm

The available language on the dashboard are:

  • English

  • עברית

  • عربى

  • 繁體中文

  • Española

  • Français

  • Português

  • Pусский

  • Ελληνικά

  • Deutsch

  • Svenska

  • Netherlandic

  • Italiano

  • Danish

Settings up the preferred language on the app

Your configured language settings for the mobile app are determined according to your phone settings. Therefore, as long as your cellphone is currently set to your preferred language, you will be able to enjoy the Connecteam app in the language you speak.

Available languages:

  • English

  • Hebrew

  • Spanish

  • French

  • German

  • Chinese

  • Arabic

  • Greek

  • Swedish

  • Russian

  • Portuguese

  • Dutch

  • Burmese

  • Polish

  • Nepali

  • Bosnian (Croatian, Slovenian)

  • Italian

  • Danish

Don't worry if your preferred language is not yet available, we are working around the clock to bring Connecteam to more and more countries and people groups. Stay tuned and keep watching out for new releases in the near future.

Need more guidance? 🙋 Our LIVE support team (at the bottom right corner of your screen) replies in under 5 mins to ANY question.

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