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How to Integrate With Gusto

A step-by-step guide to seamlessly integrate with Gusto for payroll

Written by Eilon Morgenstern
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Conducting payroll can be one of the most tedious and time-consuming processes for organizations. At Connecteam, we have made it our mission to simplify that process and make it as quick and easy as possible so that you can focus your efforts on what matters most. In this article, we will walk you through the key steps to streamline your payroll with Gusto.

Don't Have a Gusto Account?

  • If you do not have a Gusto account, we've made it easy for you to create one.

  • To get started, click on the Settings tab in the Time clock, scroll down, and select Integrations from the sidebar.

  • Navigate to Gusto, click on Connect, and select I don't have an account. This will allow you to quickly create a Gusto account using either your existing Google account or the email associated with your Connecteam account.

  • Once you have confirmed that you have a Gusto account, we can proceed with the steps to connect the integration.​

Summary of What Can be Transferred:

  • Regular hours

  • Overtime hours

  • Double overtime hours

  • Jobs

  • Paid Time Off (PTO)

What You Need to Do Before Using the Export

In Connecteam:

In Gusto:

  • Set up the employees.

  • Assign employees as hourly. Connecteam only exports timesheet details for hourly employees.

  • If needed, configure overtime settings.

  • If needed, assign jobs per employee.

  • If needed, configure policies per employee.

  • Ensure the payroll period in Gusto matches the payroll period in Connecteam.

💡Tip: We highly recommend following Gusto's guide on payroll setup before exporting from Connecteam.

Setting Up Your Export

Step 1: Set Up the Connection Between Connecteam and Gusto

  • Click on the Settings tab in the time clock, scroll down, and click on Integrations in the sidebar.

  • Navigate to Gusto and click on Connect.

  • You will be redirected to Gusto to approve the connection on their side.

  • Once the connection has been made successfully, click on Continue to Set up to begin setting up the integration.

Step 2: Match Connecteam Users with Gusto Employees

  • First, you will see the result of our auto-matching.

  • If all users are matched, press Continue to move forward.

  • If a user was auto-matched incorrectly, you can change this manually.

  • If you don't want a user to be included in the integration, you can select Don't Include.

Step 3: Match Connecteam jobs (and sub-jobs) with Gusto jobs

  • Decide how to export working hours from Connecteam. There are three options:

    • Don't include jobs: Exports only regular hours, overtime (1.5x), and double overtime (2.0x) without including any job-related information.

    • Export hours by job: Provides a breakdown of regular hours, overtime (1.5x), and double overtime (2.0x) for each job.

    • Export hours by job and sub-job: Provides a breakdown of regular hours, overtime (1.5x), and double overtime (2.0x) for each sub-job, as well as jobs without sub-jobs.

  • If you selected to include jobs, set the matching Gusto jobs for each job (or sub-job). The matching is based on the job name in Gusto, not the job ID.

  • If you don't want a job (or sub-job) to be included in the integration, you can select Don't include.

Step 4: Match Paid Time Off (PTO) policies

  • Set the matched Gusto policies for each Connecteam PTO policy.

  • If you don't want a policy to be included in the integration, you can select Don't Include.

  • Gusto integration supports only 3 policies (Sick leave, Paid time off, Public holiday)

  • When you are finished, click on Complete Setup.

  • After closing the setup confirmation modal, make sure to click on Save Changes in the Integrations setting page to save all the changes.

Export Timesheets to Gusto

  • Head to your time clock, to the Timesheets tab, click on Export, then click on Export to Gusto.

  • The export is based on the selected date range and the selected users in the timesheet. Users can be filtered out if needed.

  • Once you have exported, a success message will appear, confirming that all selected data for the selected users has been successfully exported to Gusto.

  • If the export was not completed successfully, you will see the errors and descriptions on how to fix them.

Next Steps in Gusto

  • Now that you've successfully exported to Gusto, please verify that the hour units have synced correctly in the employees' timesheets within the Gusto payroll section.

How to Update the Integration Setup After You Add New Items

  • As your company grows and changes, you will likely add new items, such as new users, jobs, sub-jobs, or PTO policies. Before these items can be exported to Gusto, they need to be matched. To do this:

    • Enter the time clock, click on Export, find the Export to Gusto option, and click on the settings icon.

    • Match the new items and press Complete Setup.

How to Disconnect the Gusto Integration

  • If you need to disconnect the integration, follow these steps:

    • Head to the Time clock, click on Settings, enter the integrations tab, and click on Disconnect.​

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I connect more than one-time clock to my Gusto account?

Yes, but all-time clocks should be connected to the same Gusto account.

What happens if I export the same payroll period twice?

The hours you export from Connecteam will always overwrite your hours in Gusto.

When I click on Export to Gusto I receive an Error from Connecteam Telling me that I have Unmatched Items. What Does This Mean, and What Should I Do?

This likely means that you have made changes to your Connecteam account since setting up the integration. It’s possible that you have added new users, jobs, sub-jobs, or PTO policies. You will need to match these items before exporting the data.

To do this, simply click on Resolve Now and match the new items.

Why can't I export hours for my contractors to Gusto?

At this time, Gusto's API does not support the export of hours for contractors.

Why does another admin need to connect the integration if I’ve already done it?

Each admin has a unique login to Gusto, which means that every admin must personally connect their account to the integration.

I’ve used the integration before, but now jobs and PTO data are available to be transferred. What should I do?

The integration will continue to function even if you take no action. If you're prompted to resolve new items before exporting, you have two options:

  • Ignore the request and click Export anyway. The export will proceed without including any job or PTO data.

  • Click Resolve now. You’ll be redirected to the new Gusto integration setup, where you can match Connecteam jobs and PTO policies to their corresponding Gusto jobs and policies.

If you want to access the integration setup at any time, enter the Time clock, click on Export, find the Export to Gusto option, and click the settings icon. From there, you can configure jobs and PTO according to the step-by-step setup guide provided above.

I can't see my PTO policies from Gusto except of sick leave, paid time off and public holiday, what should I do?

Unfortunately, as of today, Gusto integration doesn't support additional PTO policies.

I received an unsuccessful export error listing users who are not in Gusto payroll. What should I do?
This error occurs when the listed users appear in the Connecteam timesheet you are trying to export but are not found in Gusto payroll. To resolve this, follow these steps based on whether you need to transfer these users' timesheets to Gusto:

  • If you need to include these users: Navigate to Gusto and add the users to the payroll for the date range corresponding to the Connecteam export, following Gusto’s guidelines.

  • If you do not need to include these users: You can either filter them out from the Connecteam timesheet before exporting, or update the integration settings by going to the user section and selecting the option to exclude them from the export.

Can I export my users' time off balances to Gusto?

There is no need to transfer balances to Gusto. If you are using Connecteam, you can manage all of your time off policies and balances in Connecteam and then transfer the hours to Gusto for payroll.

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