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The Directory Settings: Users
Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

The Directory allows you to create a phone book with the contact information for the company's employees or other work contacts who are not users of the app. Through the directory settings, as admin, you can customize the directory enabling or limiting employees to see a range of information about or contact one another.

In this article, we will specifically go over the User settings. If you are looking for the directory setting related to work contacts click here.

Enabling Users in the Directory

If you would like your employees to appear inside the directory then you need to enable this in the directory settings. To do so, enter the directory click on options, and then settings. You should be in the user's tab. Toggle on the option to 'Display Users in the mobile directory' and confirm the changes.

💡Tip: You can rename this page, by clicking on the Title section. Take a look at how this looks below where I renamed this page to Colleagues.

Viewing Permissions: Who Can See Who In the Directory

Once you have decided that users can be visible on the mobile directory, you can set further permission to limit who can see who.

The options are:

  • Mobile users can view everyone - This option allows users to view all the other users and admins in the directory.

  • Mobile users can not view anyone - By choosing this option, a mobile user will not be able to view anyone in the directory. Here you have two options, where you can set exceptions to that rule:

    • Unless they share the same- here you can set criteria based on one of the user profile fields, for example, location, department, direct manager, etc.

    • Unless those other users are - here you can select certain people you would like the employees to have despite not having access to everyone. For example, the Floor managers or HR representatives.

  • Mobile users can not view - here you can select company members you never want employees to be able to view, for example, your CEO or senior management members.

Note that these options are not exclusive, meaning you can select more than one. For example, I can select the option that mobile users can view anyone, but they also can not view selected users.

Let's look at a few examples of when we might want to use each case:

I want my users to be able to view only employees from their location

In this case, you will select mobile users can not view anyone unless they share the same, and from the list of profile fields, I will choose location.

If you are unsure how to create user profile fields - this guide will show you how to.

I never want employees to view each other, but I want them to be able to view managers.

In this case, you will select mobile users who can not view anyone unless those other users are, and from the list, you will make the managers you'd like the employees to see.

I want my employees to view only employees from their location and the company's HR representatives.

In this case, you will select mobile users can not view anyone unless they share the same, and from the list of profile fields, I will choose location. Then you will select mobile users who can not view anyone unless those other users are, and from the list your HR representatives.

I want employees to view everyone except the CEO and Payroll Director.

In this case, you will select the option that mobile users can view everyone AND the option that mobile users can not view. Then from the drop-down, you will select relevant people such as your CEO/Payroll Director.

Information Visibility: What Can Employees See About Each Other

In addition to customizing who can view the directory, it is also possible to customize what details can be viewed by the employees. Perhaps there is sesnative information you don't want based employees to see about one another for example the employees' emergency contact, or their address. There might also be information that at a company level you don't want employees to see about one another, for example, their employee IDs or payroll codes.

To limit information simply select the fields that you'd like to be visible in the directory. In the example below you can see that the mobile phone, email, position, and birthday are visible.

Note: These fields are based on the user detail fields created in the user details section or the user's tab. If you would like to add a field, this article with show you how.

💡Tip: You can easily You can change the order of appearance by dragging and dropping the details, these settings apply to all mobile users.

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