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How Do I Archive or Delete an Employee from the Admin's Tab?

Delete and archive employees on the go!

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over a week ago

At Connecteam, we understand that your workforce can change constantly. To ensure that your platform is up to date, we have made staff management readily available at your fingertips.

First, it's important to understand the difference between archiving and deleting. Archiving a user signifies that their data still exists on your platform, so all of their information is readily available. Deleting a user means that you'll also lose their data, so it won't be available if you were to need it in the future.

Note: Archiving users is available for the Advanced plans and above.

To delete or archive an employee, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the admin tab

  2. Click users and admins

  3. Click the user you wish to delete/archive

  4. Click the ... on the top right corner and select archive or delete

Here's a video showing exactly how to complete this action:

Pro-tip: When it comes to seats, only "active" seats will count in your seat count, while archived users will not be counted in the active seats.

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