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Scheduler Notifications: Check-in and Complete

Learn how to stay on top of your workforce with check-in and complete notifications

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Written by Connecteam Experts
Updated over 7 months ago

Are any employees getting paid by job or salary rather than by the hour? Would you like to track their progress without using the Time Clock? We have a solution for you!

The Check-in and Complete statuses, along with notifications, can help monitor employee activity and job completion without requiring them to adhere to specific shifts or work hours. Let's explore this further! 

This article will cover:

What are the Check-in and Complete Statuses?

Before setting up these notifications, it's important to understand what the Check-in and Complete statuses are, when it's best to utilize them, how to activate them, and how they work.

  • The Check-in status allows users to report when they start a shift, which is a great option if you don't need your users to track their hours for payroll purposes, such as salaried employees or contractors hired for specific jobs.

  • The Complete status allows users to report when they finished their shifts, making it useful to keep track of completing tasks or jobs so you can always be on top of it and aware of their activity during the day. 

When to Use Check-in and Complete

We recommend using the Check-in and Complete options when you're not tracking time for some or all of your employees—meaning you're not using the Time Clock feature. These options are ideal for holding employees accountable by knowing when they start and finish their jobs. Additionally, they streamline communication, enabling employees to update supervisors on their progress without constant follow-ups. It provides flexibility for roles where documenting job start and completion times is important, even without strict time tracking.

💡Tip: You can even filter for these statuses in the List View, for example, and export a file detailing the statuses for your employee's shifts. 

This is an example of what the exported Excel file can look like:

Which Users Have Access to Them?

Only users who don't clock into scheduled shifts can use the "Check-in" and "Complete" options. If the Users clock into scheduled shifts, illustrated below, setting in the Time Clock's Cock In & Out Settings is activated, users assigned to that clock won't be able to see or use these options.

For example, let's consider Bryan. He is assigned to both a job schedule and a time clock. Although the scheduler he's assigned to has the Check-in and Complete statuses activated, the time clock also has the Users clock into scheduled shifts setting enabled. As a result, Bryan will not have access to the statuses when he accesses his Job Schedule and looks at his shift. 

For Bryan to access the check-in and complete statutes, the User's clock into scheduled shifts option must be deactivated, as illustrated below, or he must be unassigned from the time clock.

Remember that deactivating this setting will affect all users in that clock, not just Bryan. If either of these solutions is used, Bryan will have access to the statuses when accessing his shift through the Job Schedule. 

How to Activate Check-in and Complete

To activate the Check-in and Complete statuses:

  1. Log into your admin dashboard

  2. Click on the Jobs Schedule feature from the left sidebar and access the relevant schedule

  3. Navigate to Settings from the top right corner, and ensure you are in the Mobile app tab

  4. Once in the tab, scroll down until you see the options:

    1. Add a 'Check-in' button to the user's mobile schedule

    2. Add a 'Completed' button to the user's mobile schedule

  5. Mark the box next to them to activate them. You can activate only one or both according to your needs.

  6. Then Save changes

  7. All done!

Once they are activated and the relevant users begin to use them to report their work progression, you can see it directly in the scheduler. It will be referenced by a blue (check-in) and green (completed) dot.

It will also be shown within the shift. You can access the shift and look at its activity.  

How to Set Up the Check-in and Complete Notifications

Now, here is the information you've been waiting for how to set up scheduled notifications! This is a game-changer when tracking your workforce and maintaining the status quo.

To set up the Check-in and Complete notifications:

  1. Go to the Job Schedule feature from the left sidebar and access the relevant schedule

  2. Click on the Settings from the top right corner

  3. Navigate to the Notifications tab and scroll down until you find the options:

    1. A user didn't check into a shift that started X minutes ago

    2. A user didn't complete a shift that ended X minutes ago

  4. Toggle the option you need, and decide if you want it to be a mobile push notification and/or a web push notification

  5. Set the number of minutes

  6. Then make sure to Save changes

  7. All done - you will now start getting notifications and stay on top of shift completion!   

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