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Managing App Notifications (For Employees)

Control your notifications from the Notification Center on your mobile

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Nobody likes to receive endless notifications, especially if they are irrelevant. Luckily, you can customize the types of notifications you'd like to receive using the notifications center. This article will introduce you to our Notifications Center from the mobile tab, which is available to any user on connecteam including those with admin-level permissions.

Note that admin-related notifications can only be set on the dashboard (for example notify me if my user forgot to confirm their shift) If you are an admin looking to customize which notifications you receive click here.

If you are an admin looking to help your employees set their notifications or a user looking to set their notifications you have come to the right place.

In this article we will go over the following:

How to Access the Notification Center from Your Mobile

To access the notification center on your mobile, click on "profile" on the bottom left. Next, click on "settings" and "notifications." Here you manage general notifications and set notifications for various features that have been assigned to you by your manager like the time clock or the schedule.

Customizing Your Notification Frequency

To begin you click on "notifications." Here you can choose from the following options: enable, mute when I'm not clocked in, mute for 1 hour, mute for 8 hours, mute for 2 days, or disable.

If you did choose to enable notification below you can select on which days the notifications would be active days. Days marked in blue are considered active.

Customizing Notifications for Specific Features

After you have decided on the frequency, you will be able to customize notifications according to the features that are assigned to you. If a feature has a specific notification that can be customized you'll be able to click on "Tap for all settings" and customize the notifications.

In the Time Clock and Job Schedule features your admin may have assigned you to more than one Time Clock or Job Scheadule. In this case, you will need to first click on the feature and then click on "tap for all settings" to customize the settings of each Time Clock and Job Schedule. You can see an example of this below:

Opting Out Of Certain Notifications

If you would not like to receive notifications from a certain feature you can easily opt out altogether by toggling off the notifications of the entire feature. In the example below you can see I toggled off the options for the Time Off feature.

Customizing Job Scheduler Notifications

In the job scheadule, you will be able to customize notifications per a schedule. You can see the available options below. To disable a notification simply toggle it off.

You can also customize the frequency of the notifications you will before a shift starts. The options are Disable, 15 minutes before, 30 minutes before, 1 hour before, 12 hours before, and 24 hours before.

Customizing Quick Task Notifications

In the Quick Tasks by clicking "Tap for all settings" you can customize the notifications within the feature. Then notifications are broken down by whether or not the tasks belong to you (notifications about my tasks) or if you created the task. Here you can also set your default due date for tasks you create. Note that the ability to create tasks is determined by the settings your manager has set up. If you do not see the option to set notifications about tasks you created it's likely your manager disabled this capability.

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