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Job Scheduling: Learn How to Import Shifts from Excel

Import bulk of shifts and jobs using an excel (CSV) file and save time on your weekly roster

Adi Broshi avatar
Written by Adi Broshi
Updated over a month ago

Our powerful Job Scheduler makes it effortless to create shifts or dispatch jobs for your team and to make sure they have all the information they need regarding their shifts.

Do you have all of your data already on your computer, just waiting to be uploaded into our platform? Don't outwork yourself by uploading your data one at a time, Save time by importing your shifts and jobs directly into our Job Scheduler!

In this article, we will cover:

What Can Be Imported To Our Job Scheduler

To import your data into our Job Scheduler, firstly, you'll have to download and fill out our Excel spreadsheet template. Here's what you import into the spreadsheet:

  • Date of shift or job

  • Start time and end time of the shift

  • Breaks - Paid and Unpaid (type in the number of minutes, not hours)

  • Shift Title

  • Title of Job and Sub job

  • Location of shift or job

  • Notes and Custom columns (will be added to the shift's notes)

  • Shift Tasks (you must enter the shift tasks with separate commas)

How to Import Your Data

Follow these simple steps to import your work into our Job Scheduler, we're going to walk you through the flow of importing your data into the Scheduler.

Step 1: On your dashboard, access the Job Scheduler. Click on "Add", and select "Import shifts from Excel"

Step 2: Download our Excel template

Screenshot of download excel template button in Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

Step 3: Edit your Excel file. Please note that each row will represent a single shift

Step 4: When you're done, save the file as CSV (Comma Delimited)

Screenshot of CSV file format

Step 5: Upload the CSV file

Screenshot of uploading CSV file to Connecteam's Job Scheduler on the admin dashboard

Step 6: If you have jobs in the CSV that are unrecognized, you will need to do the following:

  1. Add as a new job

  2. Insert the job or sub-job to an existing job

  3. Ignore the unknown job or unknown sub-job

Please note: If the parent job or the sub-job doesn't exist, you will only be able to add it to an existing job or ignore it.

Step 7: Review the imported shifts, make edits, and add more shifts if needed:

Step 8: Review the summary of your imported shifts and click on "Confirm":

Please note: when you import shifts from Excel, the shifts will be imported into your schedule in draft mode, so you will be able to make final adjustments before publishing the schedule for your employees.

Step 9: Select the Publish option once you are ready:

Let's walk you through the complete process, step by step in the example below:

*The ability to import shifts with an Excel file is available from our Basic Operations Plan and above*

💡Tip: If you’re experiencing issues with importing or encountering errors, check out ourtroubleshooting guide.

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