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Text Messages: Admin Permissions
Text Messages: Admin Permissions

How to set admin permissions within the text message feature

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over 3 months ago

The Text Message feature is a great method to notify employees and is not dependent on app usage or internet connection.  That being said, it costs additional money. Here at Connecteam, we understand how careful you need to be when using a feature that involves spending company money. We understand that only some admins should be granted that capability. For that reason, you can set permissions per admin and decide individually what actions each admin can take within the text message feature.

💡Tip: If you are new to Connecteam, we recommend reading this article to understand Admin Permissions better.

How to Set Admin Permissions For the Text Message Feature

There are two places where admin permissions for a feature can be set. The first is from the Admin section under the Users Tab, and the second is from the feature itself. Before we go over how to set the permissions, let's go over which permissions can be set.

What Permissions Can Be Set?

Since using text messages is equivalent to spending company money we allow you to give admin different permissions based on the action you would like them to take. This ensures that nobody is spending company unless you have allowed them to. The options are as follows:

  • View Messages - allows admins to view which messages have been set

  • Send Messages - allows admins to send messages to employees

  • Purchase Message Credits - allows admins to purchase more budget for sending messages.

How to Set Permissions From the Admin Section in the Users Tab

Navigate to the Users tab and go to the Admin tab. Find the admin that you would like to grant permissions to. In the admin permission column select text messages, then in the drop-down select the exact permissions you would like the admin to have.

Below you can see I permitted Ryan to view messages and to purchase message credits.

How to Set Permissions From the Feature Itself

You can just navigate to the text message feature on the left sidebar. Once inside click on admin permissions.

Here you'll be able to decide if all new admins should automatically be added to this feature and/or if admins should be able to add other admins to the feature. Toggle on or off the options that fit your company's needs.

To add an admin simply select them from the drop-down list. Next to their name, you will be able to set their specific permissions.

💡Tip: Setting that all new admins should automatically be added to this feature, can automate the process of setting admin permissions when you add a new manager to the platform. That being said, you should only use this tip in the feature where you want every new admin to be added to the feature.

What Will Admins See if They Dont Have Permissions for a Certain Action?

If an admin does not have the required permissions to take a certain action, for example, to send a message, they will see a lock icon saying permissions are required.

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