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Time Clock Notifications for Admins

Set and Manage which Notifications you (admins) receive from the Time Clock

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over 10 months ago

Connecteam's Time Clock is designed to allow you to easily track your employee's work hours and make payroll a breeze. We understand however that your business' day-to-day can be hectic, and you can easily find yourself out of the loop on what's happening with your employee's time-tracking, or overwhelmed by it. By customizing the notifications setting each admin assigned to the Time Clock decides exactly what notifications they want to receive to stay on top of admin and employee actions.

In this article, we will go over:

How Do I Get to the Notifications Tab?

  1. Access your Time Clock

  2. Click Settings

  3. Click the notifications tab

  4. Toggle on the notifications you wish to get and click Save changes

Notifications for Employee Activity

The first set of notifications admins can set is for employee activities. These are actions your employees may take in the time clock feature.

Admins can choose to receive notifications if:

  • An employee adds a shift

  • An employee edits a shift

  • An employee exceeds work hour limits

  • An employee was auto-clocked out of a shift

  • You (the admin) have a certain number of requests pending approval

  • An employee submitted their timesheets

In the example below you can see I choose to receive a mobile notification and an email when an employee exceeds the work-hour limit.

💡Tip: You customize which actions your employees are allowed to compete in the Time Clock via the Customize Tab

Notifications for Admin Activity

The next set of notifications admins can set is for admin actions. These are actions that other admins take in the Time Clock feature.

Choose to receive notifications if:

An admin approved/declined a shift

In the example below you can see I toggled on the option to receive both a mobile and a web push notification when other admins approve/decline a shift

Please note that all the notifications we discuss below are activated by default. To stop receiving notifications each admin with access to the Time Clock will need to enter the notifications settings and customize them. As an admin or an owner adjusting your notifications will never affect the notifications of another admin.

What is a Web Push?

A web push is a notification delivered through your web browser. Web push is supported by Chrome or Firefox browsers. Web notifications appear on the top right corner of your screen. This notification is not stored on your computer and can't be retrieved once closed.

What is a Mobile Push?

A mobile push is a notification delivered through your smartphone. The mobile push appears on your smartphone's screen. This notification is not stored in your smartphone and can't be retrieved once closed.

Here's how it will look on your device (cute animal background not included):

💡Tip: Want to set notifications to more than one feature at once? Check out our Notifications Center.

Need more guidance? 🙋 Our LIVE support team (at the bottom right corner of your screen) replies to ANY question.

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