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The Notifications Center

An easy way to control which notifications you’ll receive from each feature.

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

We know that not everyone loves getting notified about every single thing that happens at their company and for that reason we have always allowed each admin to set their own notification setting within the features they are assigned to.

That being said there are many features and as an admin you might be assigned to a lot of them. This is especially true if you are part of a larger company who has created multiple time clocks or schedules, and at this point you might be thinking, am I really going to go to each and every feature and adjust the notifications? Is there not an easier way?

Well, there is! Here at Connecteam we understand that time is valuable and that being able to do things quickly and for one place make things more efficient and for this reason we have created our Notifications Center which allows you to easily set or opt out from notifications all from one place.

In this article we will go over

Navigating to the Notifications Center

To get to the notification navigate to your avatar in the top right corner and click on the drop down menu. Then select notifications. Here you will be able to customize your notifications for different features all from one place!

What Notifications Can I Set?

Currently the notifications you are able to set here are any notifications related to the Time Clock, Job Schedule and Quick Tasks features if you have them activated, but we will also be adding more features to the notifications center in the future.

How to Set the Notifications

To set the notifications simply select the all settings button next to the feature who’s notification settings you want to set. After that simply toggle on and off the things you would like to be notified for. Take a look at how this looks below.

If you are setting the notifications for the time clock or job schedule, and have multiple schedules you will first need to press the drop down, and then select the all settings button of the time clock or job schedule whose notifications you want to set.

How do I opt out of notifications?

If you don’t want to receive any notifications ever from a specific feature, time clock or schedule, then the solution for you would be to shut these notifications off all together.

To opt out of notifications simply toggle off the notifications toggle to the right of the feature and that's it. You have opted out of notifications with a click of a button.

Did you know? That you can opt out of notifications as you receive them? As you receive a notification you will be able to select yes, keep receiving it or no turn this off. You can also always select the 3 dots which appear to the right of the notification and decide to either hide the notification or to stop receiving it. Take a look at how this looks below.

Need more guidance? 🙋 Our LIVE support team (at the bottom right corner of your screen) replies in under 5 mins to ANY question.

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