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Check your employee's recent activity from the admin's tab

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over a week ago

The activity log allows you to check all recent activity on your account, You can see the exact hour an employee sent in an absence request, availability and unavailability, you can see who edited timesheets or a shift, who claimed shifts, which user has completed tasks, which user clocked in and which user was auto clocked out. The activity log shows you the exact time actions were made.

In this Article we will go over:

The Activity log view from the Activity tab

You can view the activity log from various places on your account, you can view the daily activity from the Overview tab. Or, if you wish to view a longer period of time, you can view the entire activity log from the activity tab. To access the activity log from the activity tab, click on "Activity"

Activity log view from a users profile

If you wish to check the activity of a specific user, you can access the activity log from the user's profile. To access the activity log from a user's profile, go to the "Users" tab, click on the relevant user and view the activity log.

The Activity log from Time Clock & Job Schedule

If you wish to view the activity that is related to users clocking in or clocking out, you can now view the activity log from the Time Clock. Access the time clock on the Today View, and scroll down to the activity log:

If you wish to view the activity related to the job schedule, access the job schedule and click on the "Activity" button.

The Activity log view from the Admin tab in the app

Access your admin's tab from your mobile app and check all recent activity!

  1. Access the Admin tab

  2. Click on Activity


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