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Checking Your Account Activity with Connecteam
Checking Your Account Activity with Connecteam

Learn which users are engaging with the app and how they interact with each feature

Victoria Levin avatar
Written by Victoria Levin
Updated over a week ago

The Activity section allows you to review all activity on your account, including understanding and comparing your employees' usage or activity per feature, making insightful comparisons, viewing old activity, and more. Let's dive deeper into this!

This article will cover:

How to Access Your Account Activity

To access your account activity, log into your admin dashboard as usual and click on the Activity section in the left sidebar.

You can now see your account activity, and two tabs are available: Activity Statistics and Activity Log.

Activity Analytics

The Activity Analytics tab allows you to quickly gain insights into the activity levels and types of all active users in your account. By default, it displays the statistics for the "all users group" in the last two weeks, but feel free to customize it so you can analyze specific groups of users and compare their activity and evolution over a determined period of time. 

To adjust the user selection, click on Group, choose between Smart Groups or Individual users, and select the ones you need. Next, click on the Date Range, where you can choose from preset ranges or set a custom date range.

Now that you've learned how to adjust these settings, let's go over the information available in the activity analytics tab.

General Overview

This overview is available at the very top of the tab and displays a quick and easy-to-understand summary of the activity of the selected smart groups on the chosen dates. It displays the following:

  • Total Active Users - displays the total active users from the selected groups and dates.

  • Daily Active Users - displays the average daily active users from the selected groups based on the chosen dates. It includes the specific number of users who logged in today and yesterday.

  • Weekly Active Users - displays the average weekly active users from the selected groups based on the chosen dates. It includes the specific number of users who logged in this week and last. Please note: for this to be calculated, the selected date range must contain at least one full week.

  • Monthly Active Users - displays the average monthly active users from the selected groups based on the chosen dates. It includes the specific number of users who logged in this month and last. Please note: for this to be calculated, the selected date range must contain at least one full month.

Comparative Graphs

Below the general overview, you can find two comparative graphs, one dedicated to the activity per product and the other to the activity per smart group. For each, you can choose how to view the data out of these options:

  • Time granularity - choose between presenting the data by Day, Week, or Month.

  • Usage metrics - choose between presenting the data in one of the following three metrics:

    • Unique - The number of distinct users who are active in the account. This metric helps you see whether feature usage is widespread across many users or concentrated among a few.

    • Totals - The total number of actions performed. This metric offers an overall understanding of engagement and intensity of use.

    • Percentage - The percentage of users in the selected smart group who are active in the account. This metric shows how many users are actively engaged, giving you a clear picture of adoption rates.

The Activity Per Product graph allows you to select the relevant features you want to display and to choose who to display if both users and admins belong to the previously selected groups at the top of the tab or only admins or users independently.

The Activity Per Smart Group graph shows you the unique, total, or percentage of activity according to your selection.

💡Tip: You can hover over a line on the graph, and a tooltip will appear displaying all relevant metrics for the feature or smart group the line represents.

Activity Log

On the Activity Log tab, you can view the breakdown of the actions made by users in the account per day. To adjust the date range of the main account's activity log, simply click on the date range and select the start and end date. 

In the Activity log, the following information is displayed:

  • Feature activation

  • Users:

    • A user is promoted to an admin

    • User logged in from new device

    • Exported users list

    • User approved to join app

  • Time Clock:

    • Shift approval

    • Shift edit approval

    • Request to delete a shift

    • Exceed daily work hour limit

    • Exported timesheets to integration (e.g., QuickBooks)

    • Approved break edit request

    • Exported payroll

    • Declined shift request

    • Declined time off request

    • Declined request to delete a shift

    • Exported timesheets

    • Approved request to delete a shift

    • Admin approved time off request

    • User requested to edit a break

    • Auto report was not generated

    • Auto report was generated

    • User clocked in

    • An asset was archived

  • Job Scheduler:

    • Published shifts in bulk

    • A shift was edited

    • An asset was archived

    • An asset was restored

    • A shift was deleted

    • Shifts were deleted in bulk

    • A shift status was changed

    • A shift was created

    • An unavailability was deleted

    • An unavailability was created

    • Prefer to work was added

    • A shift was published

  • Forms:

    • A form was created

    • An entry was made

  • Chat: Admin exported chat

💡Tip: as an admin, you can view the account's activity log from your mobile app. Simply navigate to the "Admin" tab and press "Activity".

Additional Activity Logs

While the Activity section detailed above provides a clear overview and understanding of the account's activity, admins can access additional activity logs, which provide more specific information. These are the activity log from a user profile, the time clock, and the job schedule. 

A Users' Activity

To access the activity of a specific user:

  1. Log into the admin dashboard

  2. Access the Users section from the left sidebar

  3. Click on a specific user and navigate to the Activity tab

  4. Adjust the date range to fit your needs and review the activity log

Time Clock Activity

To access the activity of a specific time clock:

  1. Log into the admin dashboard

  2. Click on the Time Clock feature from the left sidebar and access the relevant clock

  3. Navigate to the Today tab and scroll down until you find the Activity Log

Job Schedule Activity

To access the activity of a specific job scheduler:

  1. Log into the admin dashboard

  2. Click on the Job Schedule feature from the left sidebar and access the relevant schedule

  3. Click on the Menu from the top right corner and select the Activity

  4. Once in the activity log, feel free to scroll down to view older dates

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