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Managing Your Users' Profiles

How to manage and update employee information

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated today

An integral part of employee management is maintaining a comprehensive record of personal information and making sure it's always up-to-date. Connecteam allows you to see all their information in one place, in their user profile. In a user's profile, you can update their personal information and records, collect information about their activity and actions taken in the app, and keep track of their development and significant milestones. In this article, we'll take you through the different sections of the profile and show you how you can best manage the profile.

In this article, we will go over the different tabs of the user profile:

Personal Details

This is where you add the user's details, like their email address, birthday, emergency contact, and more. To edit their details, click on the field, make the necessary changes, and then click out of the field. You'll see a ball bouncing while you're making the edits. When you click out of the field and the ball stops bouncing, that's how you know the change was saved. If the ball continues to bounce, it means something's not right with the field and needs to be fixed.

Company Related Info

This is where you include any professional information that's relevant to your workplace— for example, listing the user's position, branch, certification level, qualifications or direct manager. The information added here is relevant for other parts of the platform, for example for creating smart groups, filtering users or schedules, and more!

All personal detail fields and company related info can be managed in the Manage User Details page. To reach this page, click on the Settings icon in the Personal Details or Company Related Info sections. Here, you can add and edit all fields, change their settings, and update information for all users. Learn more about managing user details.


Here you will see all tags associated with the user. From here you can choose to add tags by clicking on + Add tags or remove tags by clicking on the X next to the tag name.


This section will show you all the smart groups that the user belongs to. This gives you an indication as to which content the user has access to on the app and if they're missing any information because they're not listed in the right smart groups. If you need to add or remove the user from any of the listed smart groups, go to the Smart Groups tab and check what the filter conditions for that smart group are, so that you can add or remove the condition from the user accordingly. Learn more about smart groups.

Usage Info

The user's usage info includes any technical information about your users' activity. Here, you can check your user's activity levels such as when their last login was and find their Kiosk PIN code. The information found here is also helpful to use when your users are encountering any technical issues; you can easily check if they're on the latest app version and ask them to update their app's mobile version.

Employment Tab

The Employment Tab enables you to manage your employees' Scheduling Rules and Pay Rates all in one place.

Scheduling rules allow you to set scheduling limitations for each user. Here, you can assign them to existing Company-Wide Scheduling Policies, such as rules for full-time and part-time staff. You can also create Custom Scheduling Rules tailored to individual employees to meet their specific needs, for example, an employee who you promised not the schedule more than 3 shifts a week.

Pay Rates allows you to see the user's current and past pay rates. You can also update the user's current pay rate from here, and add retroactively past pay rates. The pay rates will automatically sync with the time clock to give you an accurate portrayal of the user's past and future predicted pay.


The activity log allows you to check all recent activity done on the account. Here is some information you can view in this tab:

  • When they log in from a new device

  • Time Clock: View clock-in activity (when a user clocks in, exceeds the work limit, gets auto-clocked out, etc.). For owners and admins, see when they export timesheets and payroll.

  • Job Scheduler: View when a user adds an unavailability, claims/un-claims a shift, checks in/completes a shift, completes shift tasks or adds notes to a shift. For owners and admins, see when they publish, edit, or delete shifts, and create or delete availability.

  • Forms: View when a user makes a form entry. For owners and admins, see when they change status or add a note in the form entry.

  • Users: See when an owner or admin exports the user's list.

  • Updates: See when an owner or admin publishes an update.

  • Events: See when an owner or admin creates an event.

Note: The available information varies per feature.

For more information about viewing activity on Connecteam, click here.

Time Off

The Time Off tab provides a clear understanding of all the policies the user is assigned to and shows the remaining balances for limited policies. You can also edit balances from this screen by clicking on 'Edit balance' next to a limited policy type.

Below the time off policies is the balance log, where you can see a history of all actions including:

  • Approved or rejected requests

  • When time off is added by an owner or admin

  • When the time off balance changes

  • When hours or days get accrued

  • When hours or days are carried over (based on the policy's setting)

💡 Tip: Filter to see the history of one policy at a time.


This is the place to store any notes about users securely and privately. Only owners and admins have access to this section. Users won't be notified of notes added here and cannot access the notes.

This is a good place to store information such as:

  • Performance issues: Detail specific performance issues or areas needing improvement that you want to document for HR purposes or discussion during performance reviews.

  • Personal issues: Add information regarding personal matters affecting the employee's performance or behavior, such as health issues, family emergencies, or other sensitive matters.

  • Employee development: Add information about the employee's potential for promotion, succession planning, or transfer to other roles within the company.


The Forms tab is where you can easily track and view all form submissions made by a user. This tab will appear only if you are assigned as an admin to at least one form, and you’ll have access only to submissions for the forms you are assigned admin to. To find specific submissions, use the filters in the top-left corner of the tab. You can filter by date range or select a particular form to view. 


The Documents tab is where you can keep track of the user's uploaded documents and view the status of each document (not uploaded yet, approved, or rejected). Here, you can download all approved documents, upload documents on the user's behalf, or remind the user to upload the documents (this will send them a notification).


Here you can keep track of all Recognition badges the user was given and what kinds of reactions each recognition received. This can serve as a good indication to make decisions about employee performance and promotion opportunities. If an employee receives many recognitions, this may be a sign to incentivize him accordingly.


The Timeline feature is a built-in capability that automatically records events related to your users, such as changes in their pay rate, user profile field changes such as titles or departments, and much more. You can add additional events to the timeline, such as completing onboarding, any certification or training, or specify when they got a promotion.


The payslip tab streamlines payroll record-keeping by storing all employee pay slips in one central location. Managers can easily distribute digital pay slips, while employees can access their payment records whenever needed - all without paper documents or file searching. You can upload the payslips of your employees in this tab, and they can see it on their mobile through the profile.

Upload a profile picture

If you have employees who haven't uploaded a profile picture or if you'd like them to change their picture, you can save everyone time and hassle by uploading employee profile pictures on their behalf. Learn how to upload pictures here.

Send rewards

In the user's profile, you have the option to send tokens to the user by clicking on 'Send reward'. Designed to serve as a tool for managers who want to incentivize and motivate their workers, the Rewards feature is an amazing way to show recognition and appreciation to your team in the form of tokens, which can be used to purchase gift cards. Consider any recognitions given to the user through the Recognitions tab or achievements recorded in the Timeline tab to determine if and when to send tokens. Learn more about Rewards.

Message the user

Send the user a text message, for example, with the link to join the app, view an update, or RSVP to an event.

In addition to sending a text message, we offer the option to communicate with employees via the Chat feature. As part of our 'all-in-one solution', the Chat is connected to almost any feature in the system, making it easy to chat with anyone. Learn more about using the Chat.

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