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The Mobile Admin's Tab

Manage your workforce on the go from your mobile app!

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over 3 months ago

If you step away from your office and need to complete some chores on the go, we got you covered. Managing your workforce wherever you are, and whenever is easy and simple from Connecteam's Admin's Tab, with multiple features available on the Mobile App, you'll never miss out on anything again, manage it all at the tips of your fingers!

In this article we will go over:

How to access the Admin tab on your Mobile

Only dashboard owners and administrators can access the admin tab. You can find the admins tab next to the profile icon:

The features and capabilities available on the Admins tab

Access your admin's tab from your mobile app and check all recent activity, which you can view. You can see the exact hour an employee sent in an absence request, availability, and unavailability, you can see who edited timesheets or a shift, who claimed shifts, which user has completed tasks, which user clocked in, and which user was auto-clocked out.

💡Tip: To learn all about The Activity, click here.

Users & Admins

Access your User's Tabs from your mobile. In this section, you can add a new user from contacts, add a new user or send users an invite link. If you access a specific employee, you can edit information, Chat, Text, promote to admin, or archive and delete.

Under the Admins Tab, you can promote an exciting user or add an admin. Under the archive tab, you can view the archived users and restore them.

💡Tip: To learn more about How to Add a User From the Admin’s Tab, click here.

Job Schedule

Manage the Job schedule from your mobile: View and access shifts and jobs, add a new shift, publish shifts, edit exciting shifts, and add and edit new jobs.

💡 Tip: To learn more about The Admins Tab: Mobile App Schedule Management, click here.

Time Clock

Multiple actions can be taken from the Time Clock in the mobile admin view. You can view who clocked in, filter to view Users that haven't clocked in, clocked in now, clocked in today, or even absences. You can even enter the Timesheets and Add bulk shifts or bulk absences for selected users.

On the Admin tab under the Time Clock, you can even manage your employee's requests, accept or decline, you can change the view to all requests, pending, approved, or declined. And lastly, you can view the Time Clock activity.

Create a New Update

Easily create a new update, add images, links, a live poll, video, YouTube video, GIFs, files, location, and shortcuts to other features.

💡Tip: To learn more about the Update feature, click here.


View your employee's Forms submissions, wherever you are, add notes, and comments, or change the entry status of the form.

Moreover, you can edit the notification of the Form. To do so, click on any form entry, once you enter the form, click on the three dots on the top right, and next choose "Notifications", these settings will apply to all notifications for that form entries.

💡Tip: To learn more about our Starting Guide to Forms, click here.

Quick Task

Gain quick access to the Quick Task feature and manage your team's tasks on the go. You can create a new task, or manage and view existing tasks.

In addition, you can manage the overdue tasks and send reminders to make sure your employees complete their tasks. Also, modify the Task View and view All Tasks, Tasks Created by Me, and My Tasks.


The Events feature allows you to easily see all the events for special occasions like a conference, birthdays, and more. It can also be used for day-to-day events such as team meetings, company happy hours, etc. This helps you ensure every event is a success!

Keep updated on your employee's attendance at your company's event by tracking the event status from your mobile Admin Tab

💡Tip: Learn more about how to keep track of events from the admin's tab here.

Please note, that currently, it's not possible to create events in the mobile app, but admins can still view existing events.


Recognition is a great way to recognize your employee's accomplishments, celebrate wins, promote company values, and much more! Now, you can view the Recognition History or create a new recognition from wherever you are so your employees know they're always valued.

💡 Tip: To learn more about the Starting Guide to Recognitions, click here.

Need more guidance? 🙋 Our LIVE support team (at the bottom right corner of your screen) replies to ANY question.

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