This pop-up message is a native iOS capability that Apple has built into its operative system to let users know that their location services are being tracked and is required by Apple when such a feature exists. When the Breadcrumbs capability is turned on in the Time Clock feature, users must set their Connecteam app's location services to 'Always'.
The 'Always' setting makes sure the app keeps gathering location stamps and sharing that location with Connecteam's servers only when the user is clocked in, and as long his device is on - even if the Connecteam app is in the background and not actively being used by the user. It's important to note that when the location is set to Always the location is always being tracked. This information however is stored locally on the device and is not shared with Connecteam unless the employee is clocked in.
If a user denies the Connecteam app full access to their location services and then clocks in, the app will not be able to pick up Breadcrumbs (live location) the moment the user exits the app and moves it to the background.
Some examples of when the app is moved to the background are:
When clicking the phone's home button, actively using a different app, closing the device's screen, closing the app, receiving a phone call while the app is open, and more.
Here's how this will look like on the map:
The red text bubbles in the picture above were added to indicate where the user made the changes, it will not appear on the map with these indications.
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