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FAQs on the Time Clock
Troubleshooting: My users can't clock in! Why could that be?
Troubleshooting: My Employee Cannot See the Time Clock
Where Are My Employees? Check Your Map!
Can I Add and Edit Shifts from the Dashboard?
Breadcrumbs FAQ for Managers
Is the Employee's Geolocation Captured Each Time They Switch Jobs?
Will Users Still be able to Fill Out Required Shift Attachments when Switching Jobs?
How do 'Switch Jobs' Work with Our Geofences?
What if a User Forgot to Switch Jobs?
My App Drains a Lot of Data and the Battery
How are Breadcrumbs Different From Geo-fences?
How Can I Navigate the Breadcrumbs Map View More Effectively?
Do Breadcrumbs Track Employees Only When Clocked In?
What Might Be the Reason I See a Straight Line With No Pin Locations?
Gusto Troubleshooting: I Can't Export Timesheets or My Timesheets Are Exported Incorrectly
Gusto Troubleshooting: I Can't Match My Employees
Quickbooks Online Troubleshooting: I Can't Match Users
Quickbooks Online Troubleshooting: I Can't Export Timesheets or My Timesheets Are Exported Incorrectly
Why Do Employees Need to Set Their Connecteam Location Services to ‘Always’ Instead of ‘While Using the App’ When Breadcrumbs Are Enabled?
Can Employees Track Time for Jobs That Are Not Scheduled?
What if an Employee Has No Cell Service or Their Phone is Shut Off While Clocked In?
Does the Daily Limit I Set Include Unpaid Breaks?
Why Does My Employee’s iPhone Say, “Connecteam Has Been Using My Location in the Background”?
Can I Prevent Employees From Forgetting to Clock Out?
How to Use Breaks as a User
Time Clock Troubleshooting: Wrong Payroll Cycle Displayed on Timesheets
What happens if an employee turns off location services while they’re clocked in?
Is There a Way to Prevent an Employee From Clocking in Before Their Shift?
Is There a Way For Me to Turn Off the App and Have Employees Only Log In and Out With Their Computers?
We Want Our Employees to Clock in and Out From Different Jobs. Can They Do That?
How Can I Know When an Employee Has Been Auto-Clocked or Exceeded Their Daily Limit?
Can Employees Change Their Clock In Location With a Third-Party App?
Can Automatic Breaks Be Customized Per Employee?
How can I shut off the Time Clock so my employees can't use it?
Can I Update Employee Pay Rates In Bulk?
Can I Get a Report on Late Clock-in?
How Can I Disable Auto Clock Out?
Pay Rates Frequently Asked Questions
What Payroll Integrations Does Connecteam Offer?
How to Track Employee's Mileage?
How Can Employees Download and Print Their Timesheets?
What Happens If an Employee Needs to Work on a Day That I Did Not Mark as a Working Day?
Is it Possible to Filter for a Specific Job in the Timesheets Tab and Export it to a Shift Report PDF?
Can I Receive a Summary of the Time Worked by Employees for One Specific Job
How Admins Can Clock In on Behalf of Their Employees
FAQ: Users Can't Clock In Because of Locked Timesheets
Once the Job is Completed, Can I Confirm that a Payment Was Received?
Can I Prevent Employees From Editing Their Timesheets?
My Employees Work Across Different Timezones, Will the Clock-In Limitations By Day Work?
Troubleshooting: Errors in Timesheet Approval
Can Certain Employees Be Excluded From Geofencing and Clock In From Anywhere?
Can I prevent an employee from clocking out from outside the geofence?
Can My Employees Sign Off for Every Clock In & Out?