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Messaging Tools

Learn how to make the most out of chatting

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

While you're using Connecteam's Chat feature and you're messaging your manager or colleagues, take advantage of additional message functions on the mobile app and web app.

In this article we'll go over how to:

Notify users with @mention

While typing out a message, use the @mention function to notify users directly even if their notifications are off.

To notify a specific user, write @ followed by their name.

To notify all users, type @everyone. This will send a push notification to all users in the team chat, even if their notifications are muted. You'll find this useful if you want to make sure critical messages reach everyone in the team chat, such as "Tomorrow's shift has been cancelled" or "Make sure you wear a white shirt tomorrow".

Add a hyperlink

Add a hyperlink to the text to create a message with a clickable link. To do so, you can either click on the hyperlink icon and type out the text and add the link or you can start typing out the message, highlight the text, and then click on the hyperlink icon to add the link.

Add attachments

Click on the paperclip icon to add attachments to a chat message. You can add images or videos from your phone's gallery or camera, add files, take photos and record videos, add GIFS, locations, contacts, and shortcuts.

Schedule a message

If you want to plan your messages ahead of time, you can schedule a message in advance - regardless of whether it's an individual or team chat or a channel. Learn more about how to schedule a message in this article!

Send a voice recording

Instead of typing, how about sending a voice recording instead? To do so, press on the recording icon and start recording your message.

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