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Advanced Filters: Practical Uses

Learn how to get the most out of your schedule

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over 9 months ago

We understand the challenges that come with managing a complex schedule, especially when dealing with a large number of employees and multiple jobs to dispatch. The endless factors to consider, such as who's qualified for what job, scheduling gaps, and unfilled positions, can make the task overwhelming.

That's why we developed Advanced Filters! Advanced Filters allows you to customize filter conditions to narrow in on what you need. The dropdown options will provide results based on the selected conditions and values.

In this article, we'll present some practical uses to show how Advanced Filters can help you properly plan and dispatch shifts, from start to finish!

View Users by Smart Groups, User Profile Fields, or Tags

Seeing all users assigned to a schedule at once can be overwhelming and hard to work with. To work with one group of users at a time, filter by smart groups, user profile fields, or tags. This is also useful if you need to publish shifts for specific users only. In this example, we're filtering by a user profile field that determines which branch each employee works out.

View Only Your Direct Employees’ Schedules

If you’re a manager who has admin permissions to view all users, you’ll see them all on the schedule. Filtering users by their direct manager is an efficient way to view only your direct employees. Direct managers can be added to the user's profile.

View Only Users that are Qualified for a Job in a Specific Branch or Location

To avoid mistakes and confusion by handing out shifts to unqualified users, you can easily filter for only employees who are qualified for a specific job in the right location. In the example below, we're filtering only users who are qualified for the Shift Manager position in the Main Street branch.

See Who Prefers to Work on Certain Days

Start planning your schedule by assigning shifts to users who asked ahead of time to work on certain dates and times. Filter by ‘Prefer to work’ and select all week, a single day, or choose multiple days.

View Users Based on Their Start Date

This filter allows you to choose a specific date or date range. This is handy if you have a group of employees you are onboarding and want to make sure they are given enough shifts, and ones that fit their skill level. In the example below we choose to view users that were added within a specific set of dates.

Allocate Shifts Based on Users' Certifications or Seniority

To ensure you're creating a schedule that contains a correct allocation for shifts of all levels, create a custom field that determines their certifications or seniority. For example, in the healthcare industry, nurses have different qualifications such as RN, LPN, CA. Some support services offer different tier levels such as 1, 2, 3. Combine this with a location and other criteria to narrow in on exactly what you need. These qualifications can be added as a user profile field.

Check Which Users Haven’t Been Assigned Shifts Yet

To evenly distribute your shifts and verify you haven't missed anyone, filter out the users who were already assigned shifts and view only those still waiting to be assigned. Filter by ‘Users without shifts’ and select all week, a single day, or multiple days.

View Unassigned and Draft Shifts by Job

To continue working on dispatching jobs that haven't been assigned or published yet, you can make sure that nothing falls between the cracks by filtering in the Jobs view. To do so, click on View options and select View by jobs. Choose the jobs you want to check for and filter the shifts to only show unassigned and draft shifts. In the example below, I created a shift for a bartender, but at the time of creating the shift I didn't know who to assign it to. Now I can go back to this shift and continue filling in the relevant details.

Review Your Schedule to Check for Problematic Shifts.

To avoid last-minute surprises and prevent no-shows, multi-select the shift status for ‘draft’, ’unassigned’, ‘unclaimed’, and ‘rejected’ to see shifts that ought to be problematic so you can avoid last-minute surprises and prevent no-shows. Add this filter in the Filter Shifts section.

Follow Up on Your Team’s Shift Status

Filter today's schedule to check up on the status of your team's shifts, and view who hasn't checked in for their shift yet or who has already completed their shift.

*Filters are available from the Operations Basic plan*

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