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Perform Bulk Actions on Shifts in the Job Scheduler

Learn how to use the multiple select option to make edits to your schedule quickly and efficiently

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Here at Connecteam, we know that job scheduling is one of the most important parts of running a business. We also know that changes to the schedule happen all the time and that manually editing each shift can be cumbersome and tedious. For that reason, we have created easy-to-use multiple-shift selection capabilities, that let you edit multiple shifts at once from directly inside the schedule. Now, let's review all the multi-select options.

To begin, make sure you're in the correct view for your scheduling purposes. We offer three different views: Users, Jobs, and Layers. The multi-select option is available in all views.

To change view, click on 'View options' and select the view you need to work in.

To get to the multi-select option:

  1. Hover over the shift you want to select

  2. Select the three dots in the upper right corner

  3. Click the Select option

  4. A menu at the bottom will appear

Now, let's go over the options inside the menu. You can easily select all the shifts in the entire schedule by using the Select All option.

Screenshot of select all shifts button in Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

You can click the Select same option to select all the shifts assigned to the same job

Screenshot of select same shifts option in Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

The Actions button has all the multi-select edit options. These are as follows:

Now that you know all the different options let's go over how they can be used

Edit Selected Shifts

This option can be used to make changes to the selected shift. When using this option you'll be able to edit the shift date, time, timezone, title, job, color, assigned users, and more Once you've made the necessary changes, be sure to click on 'confirm edit' to save your changes.


The Publish option can be used if you created your scheadule in draft mode and you want to publish only a few shifts, or shifts about a certain job not your entire schedule at once


The Unpublish option is a great option, which allows you to unpublish some shifts at once. This can be a great option if you want to make changes to the schedule without your users being notified, or if you accidentally published the schedule too early and need to make changes.

Unassign All Users

This option allows you to unassign all the users to the selected shift. This could be used if you normally copy your previous week for scheduling, but now need to make changes to the users assigned to specific shifts.

Assign Users

Assigning users to shifts is a difficult task, and sometimes you need to make changes or add shifts. The Assign users options allow you to do just that. When you assign users to the selected shift you have the option to replace users with shifts or to create new jobs and assign them to new users. This can be a great option if you hired a new employee and now want to add him to specific shifts.

Let's take a look at this below:

GIF of bulk assigning users to shifts in Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

Allocate Jobs

This is a great option if you want to keep the hours and the person assigned to the shift but want to change the job. When choosing the allocated job options a list of all your jobs will appear. You also have the option to keep the shift without assigning it to a job. This can be done by selecting the no job option. This is a great option if you want to schedule a worker but don't have a specific job to assign them to!

Let's take a look at this below:

Screenshot of allocating jobs in bulk in Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard


This option allows you to duplicate the selected shifts. Simply enter the number of shifts you want to be duplicated and these will be duplicated in draft mode. You can then drag and drop these to assign them to the relevant users and publish them when you are ready.

Take a look at how this looks below:

GIF of multi-duplicating shifts on Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

Send a Chat Message

This is a great tool, making it easy for you to communicate with your team. This can be used if you need to provide information to users on certain shifts. For example, say you are a security company and your guards need to enter through a specific entrance at a specific job. You could select all the shifts containing this job and send a chat message to all users letting though know which building entrance to use.

Let's take a look at this below:

GIF of sending bulk chat message on Connecteam's Job Scheduler admin dashboard

Start a Group Chat

This option also makes it easy to communicate with your team all from one place. For example, if your event company and you want to create a chat for a specific event you could select all the shifts assigned to that event and create a group chat with the users assigned to these shifts. You can then send a message to all the members directly from inside the schedule itself

Let's take a look at this below:

Deselect All

This option simply unselects the selected shifts. This can be used if you accidentally selected the wrong shifts or all the shifts.


At Connecteam we understand that things change, maybe your client canceled or a specific job was canceled. The delete option lets you make these changes and start over. This can be used, for example, if you are a cleaning company and your jobs are saved as a client. If one client cancels for a week you can use multi-select to select the relevant shifts and delete them.

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