Create Quick Tasks for Selected Users

Create tasks for users exactly when you think of them.

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated over a week ago

Did you ever wish you could create a quick task from inside the Time Clock or how about the Forms? Wouldn't it be nice to assign a task to a specific user exactly when you think of it? Well, now you can. There is no more flipping back and forth between the Quick Tasks and other features to assign tasks. Simply use the create tasks for selected capability and assign a task the moment it comes to mind.

Screenshot of 'create task for selected' button in Connecteam's Quick Tasks feature on the admin dashboard

Now let's take a look at how this looks at some Use Cases of how this can be used throughout different features in the platform.

Time Clock

We all know that running a business is hard work and that sometimes tasks come up last minute, but still need to be done as soon as possible. In this case, you may want to assign a task to a user who is currently at work and clocked in. Creating tasks for selected users allows you to do just that.

Simply enter the time clock, to the today tab, select the relevant user, go to the Actions tab, and click on “create a task for selected.” Then enter the task details of the task, if it is a one-time task or a recurring one, and press save.

In the example below you can see I assigned one of my users the task to sign for the delivery.

GIF of admin creating a task for selected users in Connecteam's Quick Tasks admin dashboard

If you are not sure what we mean by task details, take a look at our Quick Tasks: Getting Started article.


Let's say you created a course for onboarding your users, but you also want to assign them a task to do the course. Simply enter the course, select the relevant users, click on the Actions tab, and select “create a task for selected,” add the details of the task, and consider it done.

Screenshot of creating a task for selected users in the Forms feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard


Similar to Courses lets, you may want to assign a task to complete the Form to a user who hasn't done it yet, or do a specific manager to review the form entries. Simply enter the form, select the relevant users, click on the Actions Tab and select “create a task for selected,” add the task’s details.


Events can take a lot of work to plan. Let's take the example of doing a small company Happy Hour, perhaps you need to assign somebody to bring food, utensils, drinks, etc. Now using the creating tasks for the selected capability you can do this exactly from within the event itself.

Screenshot of creating a task for selected users in the Events feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard


Did you create a survey, were you looking to get feedback from your users, but nobody filled it out? That's ok, a task all those assigned to the survey with completing it using the creating tasks for the selected capability.

Screenshot of creating a task for selected users in the Surveys feature on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Pro tip: The creating tasks for the selected capability is not limited to the features mentioned above, every feature which contains an Actions tab will allow you the option to create tasks for selected users.

*Bulk Actions are available from the Advanced Operations plan*

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