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Troubleshooting: My Employee Can't See a Form. Why Could That Be?
Troubleshooting: My Employee Can't See a Form. Why Could That Be?

Learn about forms assignments

Tal Zutra avatar
Written by Tal Zutra
Updated over 5 months ago

You published a form and for some reason, your employee told you they can't see or access a form they need to fill out. You are sure you followed all the correct steps, but it didn't work and he still can't see the form in his mobile app or web app.

Follow this guide and see if some of these troubleshooting steps help you! In this article, we will go over the situations in which a user is not able to see or access a form and we will offer relevant solutions. Let's begin with the two possible scenarios: the user can not see the form, and, the user was able to see the form and no longer can.

Here are the possible reasons users can't see a form:

Here are the possible reasons users were able to see a form and no longer can:

Now let's go over these one by one:

Not Assigned

If the user can't see the form in their mobile app, one reason might be that they are not assigned to the form. To fix this you'll need to edit the form's assignments and assign the employee.

Once you begin editing the form assignments, it can be assigned to either smart groups or selected users. Below we will go over adding your user to the form, in either case. 

Edit Assignments by "Selected users"

In this case, the user might not be part of the list of the users that are selected to be assigned to the form. To fix this you need to add them to the form by editing the list of selected users. To do so, you can just access the relevant form, click on 'Options' on the top right toolbar, choose 'Edit assignments', and make sure you are on 'Select Users' Tick the relevant user from the list and publish the form! Take a look at how this looks below:

Edit Assignments by "Smart Groups"

In this case, the user might not be part of the smart group the form is assigned to, or if a group of users is unable to see the forms it's possible that their smart group is not assigned to the form. To fix this, you will need to either add the smart group to the form assignment or add the user to the relevant group assigned to the form (we will go over how to do this in the next example below)

To check the groups assigned to the form and/or add a group, edit the form's assignments. To do so access the relevant form, click on 'Options' on the top right toolbar, choose 'Edit assignments', and make sure you are on 'Smart Groups.' If a group is missing you can add it here to the list of assignments, and publish the form!

Take a look at how this looks below:

If you checked your form is assigned to the right smart group but your user still can't see the form, then you may need to add them to the relevant smart group. To add a user to a smart group, you need to match the user's user profile fields to whatever rule the smart group is based on.

Let's take an example: I have a smart group called "Sydney" which is filtered by whoever has Sydney as the answer to the field "City" in the Users tab.

Check out the link below: I want to add Michael, my employee to the Sydney smart group. I first see that the group is filtered by "Branch is Sydney". Now I go to Michael's profile, scroll down to the field Branch and select the answer "Sydney". I then go back to the smart group and check that Michael was added to this group - there he is!

💡Pro tip: Employees will only be automatically added to forms if "Edit assignments" was configured using Smart Groups and the user belongs to the selected Smart Groups. If "Edit assignments" was done using Selected Users, you will need to manually add the user to the form.

**Smart groups are available from the Operations Advanced plan and above**

Check out this article on smart groups to learn more.

The Form is in Draft Mode

If the form is in draft mode it means that the form has not yet been published and the user won't be able to see the form.

To publish the form access the relevant form, click on Options in the top toolbar, choose "Edit assignments", assign the form the the relevant users/smart groups, and go ahead and publish!

The Employee is an Admin of the Form but Not Assigned to it as a User

If the user is also an admin but isn't able to see and fill out the form on their feed as a user. They are likely an admin on the form but not assigned to it as a user. In this case, they will be able to manage the form from the admin dashboard/ admin tab - control settings, edit the form, edit assignments, access the form entries, etc. Filling out the form, however, won't be available unless the admin is also assigned to the form as a user. To assign the admin as a user follow the steps given above.

A Limited Number of Total Submissions

If your employee is assigned to the form correctly and still unable to see it then the form might have a limited number of total entries to a form. This means that the form reached the maximum number of entries. To allow the user to fill out the form, access the relevant form, and click on Settings, in the General tab you can increase the total number of submissions.

Limited Number of Submissions Per User

If the user was able to previously see and fill out the form and no longer can then the form may have limited the number of entries per user. This means that the user has reached the limit of submissions for himself. To allow the user to fill out the form again, access the relevant form, and click on Settings, in the General tab you can increase the number of submissions per user.

Publish Settings

If no users can see the form anymore but previously they were able to, then the admin of the form may have enabled "Schedule removal from the app. " In this case, the form was removed automatically according to the date and time the admin has set in the Publish settings of the form.

To access the scheduled removal access the relevant form, click on Options in the top toolbar, click on Edit assignments, and click on the Next button to skip the steps of assigning the users. Once you are on the Publish Settings step you can either disable the scheduled removal or you can edit the date and time to fit your needs and allow users to fill out the form. Follow the steps shown in the link:


In addition to all of that, we also suggest trying basic troubleshooting steps. For example, make sure the user's application is updated. Here is a guide explaining how to update the app version. Another step can be trying to reset the app by exiting it or by uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

In conclusion, if users can't see a form, there are several ways you can quickly and efficiently resolve the issue yourself and get back to managing your team seamlessly.

To learn more about the Forms, click here.

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