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Job Schedule: Admin Permissions

How to set up admin permissions from within the Job Schedule feature

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Written by Connecteam Experts
Updated over 6 months ago

If you are not new to the Connecteam platform, then we are sure you know about Admin permissions. These permissions allow you to set exactly what actions an admin can take regarding a specific feature. For the Job Schedule, you can set category and asset permissions, dictating exactly which actions each admin can take within the job schedule lobby and each schedule. This gives you complete control and helps avoid unnecessary mistakes. 

If you are new to Connecteam, we recommend you read our article on Admin Permissions to better understand what admin permissions are before proceeding with this article. 

This article will cover:

Setting Admin Permissions for the Job Schedule Lobby

The admin permissions for the Job Schedule Lobby are meant to control an admin's access to all existing schedules and decide if they will have the power to add and delete schedules, which comes with great responsibility.

To set admin permissions for the Job Schedule Lobby:

  1. Login to your admin dashboard as usual

  2. Access the Job Schedule feature from the left sidebar

  3. You are now in the Job Schedule Lobby, where you can view and manage all your existing schedulers.

  4. Go to the admin section at the top right corner and click on the category admins. Here, you can add and remove admins and set their deep permissions for the Job Schedule Lobby

  5. Begin by toggling on/off the following permission settings:

    1. Automatically add all admins to this category: If you toggle this option, all admins in the platform and those added in the future will automatically be given permissions over the job schedule category.

    2. Admins can add other admins to this category: If you toggle on this option, all admins with permissions over the job schedule category will automatically be permitted to add other admins.

  6. Add or remove admins according to your needs.

  7. Now, set the specific permissions each admin will have for the lobby from these options:

    1. View - This permission allows admins to view the job schedules in the lobby. It is the minimum permission and cannot be removed.

    2. Add & Delete Schedules - This permission allows admins to add new job schedulers and delete existing ones.

  8. That's it! Take a look at the complete process illustrated below.

Please note: Existing admins in the system will have full permissions by default. Only admins with “Manage admins” permissions (found in the Users tab) can edit permissions.

Setting Admin Permissions for Each Scheduler

Now that you've learned how to set the admin permissions for the lobby of the job scheduler, let's go over how to set the ones for each asset, the specific schedulers.

To set admin permissions for a specific scheduler:

  1. Access the Job Schedule feature from the left sidebar and click on Access schedule 

  2. Go to the admin section at the top right corner and click on the asset admins. Here, you can add and remove admins and set their deep permissions for this specific schedule. 

  3. Begin by toggling on/off the following permission settings:

    1. Automatically add all admins to this asset: If you toggle on this option, all admins in the platform and those added in the future will automatically be given permissions over this specific schedule.

    2. Admins can add other admins to this asset: If you toggle on this option, all admins with permissions over this specific schedule will automatically be given permission to add other admins. 

  4. Add or remove admins according to your needs.

  5. Now, set the deep permissions each admin will have for this specific schedule from these options:

    1. View  

    2. Add & edit shifts  

    3. Publish shifts 

    4. Edit settings 

  6. That's it! Take a look at the complete process illustrated below.

What Do Admins See if They Try to Perform Actions They Don't Have Permissions For?

If an admin tries to perform an action they don't have permission for, they will be notified that permission is required.

Let´s look at a few examples of how this works. If an admin who does not have permission to "add & delete schedule" attempts to delete an existing schedule from the lobby, they will be warned.

Similarly, if an admin only has permission to "view" and to "edit settings" in a specific scheduler, they will also be warned if they attempt to add a new shift or publish shifts, for example.

*The Job Schedule Deep Admin Permissions are available from the Expert plan under the Operations hub*

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