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Time Clock: Must-Have Capabilities

Save time and effort by utilizing these Time Clock capabilities

Adi Broshi avatar
Written by Adi Broshi
Updated over 2 years ago

Using our Time Clock on a regular basis? Want to take your Time Clock knowledge and capabilities to the next level? If you've just answered yes to those questions, let us introduce you to these Time Clock "killer" capabilities that can make you a Time Clock Master, and take your team to the next level!

In this article we will cover:


Are you having issues with users clocking in too early before their shift or forgetting to clock out? In that case, our Time Clock Limitations are the perfect solution for you!

The limitations capability allows you to set how early before the shift your users can clock in and when they'll be auto-clocked out.

Want to learn more about Limitations? You can check out the full article here!

Auto Reports

For those who love automation, you can set up your time clock so that you receive your payroll exports automatically in your inbox. All you need to do is select the report's frequency, when it should be sent, the recipient/s, and what type of report should be sent. It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Want to learn more about Auto Reports? You can check out the full article here!


To avoid time theft, the time clock gives you the ability to set a geofence, ensuring that employees can clock in and out from the right location.

To set it up, click on Settings at the top right-hand side, and select geolocation on the left menu. By setting geolocation to required, you can then proceed to add different sites and set the address and geofence radius for each location.

Want to learn more about Geofencing? You can check out the full article here!

Job Insights

For those who want to understand how their resources are allocated in terms of their jobs, mastering job insights is key. Located at the bottom right under the Timesheets tab of your Time Clock you will find the Job Insights. By clicking on View all jobs you will be able to get more detailed information about each job.

After you have clicked on View all jobs, you will be able to use advanced filtering to look at a specific job. From there you can either export the information for invoicing purposes for all of your users working on that job, or you can dive even deeper and look at the specific job usage for a specific user and export that information as shown in the video below:

Want to learn more about Job Insights? You can check out the full article here!

Need extra visualization? You can also check our video about it here!

Quick Actions

Do you want to speed up your process of preparing for payroll? We have added many tools at your disposal for you to speed things up!

Let's go over them briefly:

  1. Next employee - In the top right corner you can swiftly jump in between employees to go over their individual timesheets

  2. Chat - By clicking on the chat bubble you can open a chat directly with that employee to ask timesheet-related questions

  3. Add shift - In case a shift was not added you can add it directly from here

  4. Add Break - in case you are using manual breaks and a break was not added for your employee.

  5. Add Time Off - add time off direct to your users' timesheet

  6. Export - You can export an employees timesheet in an excel or PDF format

  7. Add shift - When hovering over a row, we also have a quick action button to add a shift record. Play around with add shift (number 3) and this quick action button to see their different uses.

  8. Remove shift - When hovering over a row you can also quickly remove a shift.

On the right side, you have the ability to add manager notes to add details to a specific shift. Similarly, your employees can also add notes when they clock out or edit a shift.

Editing shortcuts

Editing your timesheets should also be instantaneous and we've done a lot of the work for you here as well. From the GIF above you can see how we help you do the following (in order):

  • Edit clock-in/clock-out time

  • Edit break hours

  • Add daily hours for when you just need to add a specific amount of hours without necessarily caring about the clock-in and clock-out times

  • Add weekly hours for when you just need to add a specific amount of hours to the week without necessarily caring about the clock-in and clock-out times

To watch a video tutorial about Quick Actions, click here.

Pay Rates

Your user's salary is important in the most basic sense - the vast majority of people wouldn't do their jobs if they weren't paid for them. Let's be honest though, calculating their salary can be a nightmare! Make one mistake and you could pay your users the wrong amount and need to do payroll again. You might even overpay them, costing your business thousands of dollars.

For this exact reason is why we came up with our Pay Rates capability. Our Pay Rates allow you to set the exact rate each employee in your company is getting paid and to view the exact salary they should be paid at the end of your billing cycle!

To set pay rates for your employees, firstly access your account "Settings"--> Click on the "Pay Rate" tab--> Toggle on the option to "Enable pay rates"--> Select the currency and admin permissions--> Click on "Save Changes".

Then access the "Users" feature from your left sidebar--> Click on the row of the relevant user--> Under the "Payroll" tab that appears on the right of the page, click on the button to "Set pay rate"--> Select the type of pay, wage, and effective date--> Click on "Update Wage".

Want to learn more about Pay Rates? You can learn more about it here!

Automatic Breaks

Do your employees receive a fixed amount of break time? Want to make sure that your employees' breaks are being deducted/calculated automatically?

Our Automatic Breaks capability allows you to do just that! Once it's activated, unpaid break time will be deducted from the daily total hours for each employee according to your time clock breaks settings.

In order to activate, simply go into the settings of your Time Clock > click on Breaks > toggle on the automatic breaks capability and set the amount of break time your employees receive and that it! You're all set.

Pro tip: do your employees have several breaks throughout their workday? You can as many as you need simply by clicking on the blue "+" button next to the break line!

Need more guidance? 🙋 Our LIVE support team (at the bottom right corner of your screen) replies in under 5 mins to ANY question.

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