Time Clock Export Options

General Guide to all of our Time Clock Export Options - 8 min read

Nathanel Creson avatar
Written by Nathanel Creson
Updated over a week ago

We understand that payroll can be a tedious task. This is why we have made it possible for you to have the flexibility and options to export and print your employee's timesheets in a variety of formats to suit your exact business needs.

This article will review all of our different options and will act as a starting guide that you can use yourself or share with the person responsible for payroll within your company. Before exporting your timesheets, we also recommend going over our article that discusses how to prepare for payroll.

In this article we will go over the following:

How to Export Timesheets

To begin, there are two ways to export your employee's timesheets. You can either head over to your Time Clock, click on the Timesheet tab, and click on Export to get the information for all your employees.

GIF of exporting timesheets in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Another way you can export is by clicking on a specific employee to get their personal timesheets in the same available formats.

GIF of exporting timesheets for a specific employee in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Both options will allow you to export your timesheets, which you can then print or share externally for further use.

How to change the date range

You can change the date range to view and export past timesheet history in the Timesheet tab. Click on the dates next to the filter icon to open the date selector. If you have set up a defined payroll cycle, you can click on past payroll periods. Alternatively, you can customize the date range by clicking on the first date and then clicking on the end date. You'll see that all dates in between are highlighted which means they are included in the range. Click outside of the window to save the chosen dates, and the timesheets will adjust accordingly.

Now that you know how to export your timesheets, let's go over the different options.

All Export Options

Payroll totals (.xlsx)

Our Payroll totals export is perfect for companies that only care about the bottom line for each employee. This export is our most summarized export and contains one row per employee with all of their totals.

Screenshot of Payroll totals export from the Time Clock on Connecteam

Timesheets (.xlsx)

The timesheet export breaks down your employee's hours on a day-to-day basis. In other words, on any given day. you can see their hours worked, what job they clocked into, and depending on your settings, custom fields, their geolocation stamps, shift attachments, overtime, and much more. This export is great for companies that want an overview of exactly what is going on for each workday.

When exporting the Timesheets you get to customize the report and decide what information you want to include. For instance, you can choose:

  • What custom fields to include

  • What shift attachments should be included (if the feature is activated)

    • Include shortcodes

  • What data layers should be included (if the feature is activated)

  • Punch location addresses (if the feature is activated)

  • To exclude users with no entries

  • Include the day name in the date column

  • Include the user name on every row

Screenshot of customize report settings in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

The export file will look something like this:

GIF of Excel timesheets export from Connecteam's Time Clock

Timesheets (PDF)

Our timesheets PDF is similar to our timesheets in that it splits the information on a day-by-day basis, but exports the information in a more presentable format. A lot of Connecteam managers use this report to, for instance, share with external clients that they want to bill.

If you export the timesheet PDF from your timesheets tab, you will be able to export it, customize the report to your liking, and choose to include up to four shift attachments such as your employee's signatures, employee notes, and manager notes. for all your employees and the reports will be sent to your email. You can of course also export it for a specific employee by going into their own timesheets.

GIF of exporting timesheet PDF in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Here is an example of a Timesheet PDF

Screenshot of Excel shift report export from Connecteam's Time Clock

Shift Report (.xlsx)

The report resembles our timesheets but the main difference is that each shift will have its own row. This export is more suitable for companies that have employees that work overnight shifts and that do not want the hours split across two rows. Like the timesheet export, you get to customize what fields should be in the report and the end result will look something like this:

GIF of Excel shift report export from Connecteam's Time Clock

Shift Report (PDF)

Just like the shift report, if you have a shift that crosses days, the shift report PDF will keep each shift on a single row instead of splitting it up into several days and will allow you to include employee notes, manager notes and up to four shift attachments

Multiple Time Clock Export

If you are a larger organization and have employees in several time clocks we've made life easy. If you go back to your Time Clock lobby, you will now be able to export all your employee's timesheets and merge them into one combined export. Just click on the export button and select the payroll period you wish to export.

GIF of exporting a unified time clock report in Connecteam's Time Clock on the admin dashboard

Keep in mind that for the combined export to work, you will need your break settings and your overtime settings to be identical across all your time clocks, or else the export will not work and you will get the following error message:

Screenshot of conflicts found message on Connecteam's Time Clock

Payroll Integrations

Instead of exporting your hours manually, you can export them directly using our Time Clock integrations. We currently support exports to Quickbooks Online, Gusto, Xero (AU), Xero (UK), and Paychex Flex. We also support formatted exports for Quick Books Desktop and ADP Run. To discover and connect our integrations, click on the export button, select discover integrations, and connect to your designated payroll provider.

GIF of payroll integrations in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard


In this article we went over how to to export timesheets, all the different export options and payroll integration.

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