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How Can I Send Rewards?

Explore the process of sending tokens to your employees and how to keep track of it

Victoria Levin avatar
Written by Victoria Levin
Updated over a week ago

Rewards are a powerful and efficient tool to recognize your employees for their accomplishments through tokens that can later be exchanged for gift cards at various local stores and businesses. Admins can decide to send their employees rewards when they feel like it's the right time. There are two ways of sending rewards, in the form of tokens, to employees. The first way is directly from inside the user's profile, and the second way, which we'll focus on in this article, is from the feature itself. 

In this article, we'll cover:

How to Send Tokens to Users

Once you've begun setting up the Rewards feature and purchased rewards, they are automatically added to your balance. Now, it's time to use them to recognize your employees' hard work and dedication. Please note: only the admins with the relevant admin permissions can send users tokens. 

To send tokens to users:

  1. Access the Rewards feature from the left sidebar

  2. Click on Send tokens from the top right corner

  3. Select the recipients, which can only be one or multiple ones. If you choose multiple recipients, each user will receive the tokens and message separately. Once you've made your selection, go to the Next Step

  4. Decide the number of tokens you will send to the recipients. You can choose from our default amounts (10, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1000) or select a custom amount.

  5. Choose the sender: you, the company, or one of your custom publishers.

  6. Attach a message if you'd like - you can include text, emojis, an image and gifs.

  7. Review the summary and hit Send when you are ready!

Viola, you have rewarded your user!

How to Cancel Sent Tokens

If you've made a mistake when sending tokens to users, perhaps you sent them to the wrong people or chose an incorrect amount. If the user hasn't claimed the tokens yet, you may still have the opportunity to fix it.

To cancel sent tokens:

  1. Access the Rewards feature from the left sidebar

  2. Navigate to the Sent tokens tab

  3. Find the relevant sent tokens and hover over the Status column.

    1. If the status is Claimed, unfortunately, you will be unable to cancel them

    2. If the status is Unclaimed, click on Cancel Reward

Keeping Track of Sent Tokens and their Usage

Now that you purchased and sent users tokens, you may want to keep track of your users' usage activity or how your admins use the tokens purchased. At Connecteam, we give you all these insights. Once you've accessed the Rewards feature, you will find the following tabs to help you keep track of sent tokens and their usage:

  • Sent Tokens: This gives an overview of all the tokens. It includes who they were sent to, the amount, the message, if any, included, the date, which admin sent them, the reactions, and the status of those sent tokens.   

  • Users Activity: This will let you know how your users used their claimed tokens. 

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