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Custom Exports

Learn to create a customized time clock export and get only the information that you need!

Shoshana Fleischmann avatar
Written by Shoshana Fleischmann
Updated this week

Exports are a necessary part of your payroll process. They are used to gain information about who worked, when, how long, and where. While all of Connecteam's Timesheets Exports options are amazing, especially the Auto reports, you may want your export to contain only certain information or for that information to be ordered in a certain way. Our Custom Exports capability allows you to do just that.

This article will go over:

Now let's get started on building our custom export.

Where to find the Custom Export Capability

Like all the export capabilities the Custom Exports is located in the Time Clock feature. Simply access the relevant time clock, enter the the timesheets tab, select exports, and “create a new template”. Then choose the type of report you would like to create either Timesheets or Shift Report.

Screenshot of custom export capability in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

The Types of Custom Exports

As mentioned above when building your custom report can create two types of reports: Timesheets or Shift Report. Below we will go over both of these options and when to use which one.

Screenshot of custom export types in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard


The timesheets export breaks down your employee's hours on a day-to-day basis. In other words, on any given day you can see their hours worked. This export is great for companies that want an overview of exactly what is going on for each workday.

Shift Report

The report resembles our timesheets but the main difference is that it breaks up the hours per shift, and each shift will have its own row. This export is more suitable for companies that have employees that work overnight shifts and that do not want the hours split across two rows.

Customizing Your Export

In the custom export, you can build your timesheet or shift report to include what every information you would like.This is done by setting all your Report Columns and Report Settings. Let's take a look at how to see this up below.

Report Columns

These contain all the information that will be in your custom report. Whether it is the standard information that comes in most timesheet reports such as Name, Job, Total Shift hours, Total paid hours, or extra information such Geolocation stamps, Shift attachments, overtime, Custom Field from the user profile, or data layers from the schedule, it call all be added to the custom report.

To activate information in your custom report make sure it is toggled on in the report column section. Only these report columns will appear in the custom report.

In the example below you can see that I have toggled on the columns such as first name, weekly total hours, work hours, and more. I have also toggled off columns I don't want to include in the report such as phone number or email.

Screenshot of report columns in custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

If you want to add a Custom Field or a Data later as a category in your report column, simply click on the Add button and select which Custom Fields you want to add.

Screenshot of add button in report columns in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

In the example below I added the Position Custom field to my Report Columns, however in your case it can be any Custom field you created in the user's profile.

GIF of adding report columns to custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Renaming and Customizing the Report Columns

Now that you toggled on the Report Column you wanted lets talk about some more exciting customization capabilities the custom report has. Did you know that you can rename the report columns and change the format it is displayed in, or that you can reorder them to be in any order you would like? This takes report customization to the next level!

To rename the report category, hover over the report column asset and select the settings symbol, then rename the category and select the desired format.

Screenshot of settings symbol in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

For columns containing non-numerical data such as first name, last name, job, etc., the format can be set to none, uppercase, lowercase, or no space

Screenshot of column settings with non-numerical data in custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

For columns with numerical data such as work hours, total paid hours, total paid absence hours, etc., the format can be set either according to your time clock settings, or to a time or decimal formal.

Screenshot of column settings with numerical data in custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

To reorder the report columns simply drag and drop the column in the order you want it to appear.

GIF of reordering report columns in custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Report Settings

The report settings allow you to select a variety of criteria before exporting your Custom Report. To access the report settings, the option tab found at the bottom right corner of the custom report.

Screenshot of options button of the custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Screenshot of report settings of custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Now let's go over all the options.

  • File type: You can set the file to as either a CSV or an Excel file

  • Sort by Column: The columns you have toggled on can be sorted by any Custom Field in the user's profile.

  • Sort by type: Here you have the option to sort the column either by A-Z or Z-A.

  • Report type: Since what you are reporting is a Custom Report from the Time Clock feature the report type will always be set to date.

There is the option to exclude users with no entries, meaning they will not be included in the Custom Report, or to include the user's name on every row, and to make this report visible for users on the mobile and dashboard.

Saving Your Custom Report as a Template

Did you create the perfect Custom Report? That's great! Now, rather than creating it each and every time, simply save it as a template. This will save your tons of time.

To save a Custom Report as a Temple, simply select “save as a template” after creating your desired layout.

Screenshot of save as template button of the custom export in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Now automate the process by easily accessing your Custom Report Template whenever you need it. To access a Custom Report template simply enter the time clock, timesheets, click on exports, and your previously created Custom Report Templates will be listed there. Simply click on it and voila! You have exported your custom report.

Screenshot of custom report templates in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

How will my Report Look When Exported?

Every change you make while customizing your report will always appear in the export preview directly to the right of your report columns, meaning there are no surprises! You can see the exact format of custom reports prior to exporting them.

Screenshot of custom export appearance in the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Once exported, your report can be opened in Excel or imported to your company's desired Payroll Software. Take a look at how the finished Custom Report looks below.

Timesheets Custom Report

Screenshot of exported custom timesheets report from the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

Shift Report Custom Report

Screenshot of exported custom shift report from the Time Clock on Connecteam's admin dashboard

**The ability to export a custom report is available from the Advanced Operations plan & the ability to save custom report templates is available from the Expert Operations plan**

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