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How To Create a Job Scheduler

Step-by-step guide of creating and setting up a job scheduler through the example of a retail store

Adva Deuitch avatar
Written by Adva Deuitch
Updated over 6 months ago

The Job Scheduler makes it effortless to create shifts or dispatch jobs for your team and to make sure they have all the information they need for their shifts. Here is an example of how to create a schedule for a retail store. The principles that are shown below are an example and can be applied to any business.

Before you create your schedule on the dashboard, it is highly recommended to:

  1. Map the positions/jobs you need per day for your store to function. In our example, we will use a cashier, shift manager, storage, and salesperson.

  2. Map the number of employees you need in each position daily.

  3. Map the number of shifts you have per day. In our example, we will have a morning shift and an evening shift.

Now that you have mapped out all the relevant information for you, let's get down to business!

Step 1: Add a new schedule

Check out this guide on how to add a new Job Scheduler. Assign the relevant users to the schedule and give the relevant managers permission to manage the schedule.

Screenshot of Connecteam's job scheduler

Pro Tip: If your business has multiple locations or branches, you can either create a separate job schedule for each or you can filter the schedule by smart group to work with one location at a time.

Step 2: Go through the schedule's settings

Determine your week & time settings, what users can do on their mobile app, which notifications you want to receive as an admin, and how you want to limit your schedule for users and scheduling purposes.

Screenshot of Connecteam's job scheduler settings

Step 3: Add new jobs

Add the jobs that should be included in this schedule. For example, one of the jobs our retail store will need is a cashier job. Click on the Jobs button and Add job.

Give this Job a title, and qualify all the relevant users. In our case, we will qualify the “salespersons” smart group which contains all the salespersons in our business.

GIF of jobs in Connecteam's Job Scheduler

Step 4: Create shifts

After creating all the Jobs you need for running your business, let's start creating shifts!

Let's take a look at the weekly view on our Job Scheduler, you can see a list of all your users, and on the top a row of “shift without users”. On this row, you can create general shifts and assign them to users later on. Position yourself on the shift without the users row and click the plus icon to create a shift and save the shift as a draft.

GIF of creating a job in Connecteam's Job Scheduler

Now that you have created a draft shift you can drag and drop it to the user on any day. Draft shifts have white backgrounds while published shifts are colored. Users will not see shifts on their schedule until you have published them.

GIF of moving drafts in Connecteam's Job Scheduler

There are a few ways to publish shifts:

  • Hover over a shift, click on the three dots, click Publish

  • Click on a shift to see all shift details and click Publish

  • Publish all shifts at once by clicking on the Publish button at the top right of the schedule

Once you have published the shift you will see that the background of the shift will now be colored meaning the shift is published and mobile users can now see them in the app.

GIF of publishing shifts in Connecteam's Job Scheduler

Pro Tip: If you want to put a shift up for grabs, instead of assigning each shift to an employee, you can create an open shift.

Step 5: Helpful actions for creating next week's schedule

Now that your schedule is created and published, think about how you can optimize the process for the future. Here are a few tips from us:

The Job Scheduler comes with a ton of capabilities that'll help you get scheduling done in the most efficient and flawless way possible! Check out our resources to learn more.

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