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FAQs on the Job Scheduler
How Do I Copy Shifts?
Can I Export My Team's Schedule?
Job Schedule: What Happens to a User's Shifts When I Archive or Delete Them
Calendar App Sync FAQs For Managers
My Users Didn’t Mark their Preferred Work Hours or their Unavailability - What Does This Mean?
Can I Let Users Mark their Unavailability But Not their Preferred Work Hours?
Can I Mark Preferred Working Hours on Behalf of My Users?
If an Admin Creates a Repeating Open Shift, Once a User Claims the Shift and It's Approved, Should the Shift Become a Regular Shift (and not repeating)?
An Admin Who Has Admin Permission to Only One Smart Group (Not the All Users Groups) Clicks on "Clear Week" in the Job Schedule, Will this Clear the Week for All Users?
What Affects the Order in which Users Appear on the List When Assigning Users to a New Shift?
Can I Notify Users That Turned Off Their Job Schedule Notifications?
Can I Customize the Publish Notifications For an Open Shift?
Troubleshooting: I Can't Import Shifts to the Job Schedule
How will Daylight Saving Time Affect Shifts in the Job Scheduler?
Troubleshooting: My Scheduler Isn't Syncing With My Personal Calendar
How Can I Set Unavailability For a Holiday For All My Employees?
How Can I See How Many Weekly Hours I Scheduled?
Is There a Way To See Which of My Employees Have Confirmed Their Shifts?
Is It Possible to Edit Multiple Shifts at Once?
Is There a Way to Clear the Drop-down Options For the Shift Title?
How can employees see everyone's schedules?
Is There a Way to Prevent Users From Dropping a Shift They Previously Claimed or Confirmed?
Can I Attach a Form to a Job?
Who can edit the Job Scheduler?
Can I Change the Accept/Reject Shift Statuses?
What Happens to an Employee's Shifts When I Archive or Delete an Employee?
Can Employees Get Notified When They Don't Clock Into a Shift
How to Schedule a User Who Works Multiple Jobs/Shifts a Day?
Can I Share a Copy of the Schedule with Somebody via Email?
Can I Edit a Shift That's Been Submitted for Approval?